
Relationship Between Bao-Yu And Boo-Chai

Satisfactory Essays

Chapter twenty-eight develops some insights into the relationship between Bao-yu, Dai-yu, and Bao-chai. There are some discreet hints that Bao-chai should be Bao-yu’s wife, especially when Yuan-chun, the Imperial Consort, sends gifts to the Jia family and the presents for Bao-yu and Bao-chai complement each other perfectly, but Dai-yu’s gift is different from theirs. Even Dai-yu undermines herself saying that “I’m not equal to the honour. You forget, I’m not in the gold and jade class like you and your Cousin Bao. I’m only a common little wall-flower” (65). A part of me wishes that Dai-yu would be more self-confident and accepting of herself because then there would be less arguments between her and Bao-yu and prevent her inevitable, dark fate

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