
Relations Between The United States And Mexico

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Since Donald Trump has been elected, world politics are in trouble, free - trade agreements gradually canceled and the objection of immigrants from Mexico. These problems have led the United States are in an alarming condition. The United States will meet many difficulties in controlling these situations inside the country. The relationship between the United States and Mexico have never reconciled because of Mexican Wall. Latin America will not be a priority in the external relations from the White House in the coming period. In fact, to this point of U.S foreign policy with Latin America, Mr. Trump has no idea about it. However, many experts can offer a few comments on the relationship in the future between Mr. Trump and Latin America. …show more content…

The rapid rise in economy of China has turned this country into rival of America. However, in an effort to change the trade policies of China, stop military operations reinforce Beijing 's South China Sea from America, but that’s not enough improve diplomatic relations with 11 countries in the TPP agreement. Beijing said the United States is a force only in Asia as they want, while China will forever be a force in Asia. As candid statement of the Prime Minister of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong during his visit to Washington last August, the TPP will "challenge the prestige" of the United States with partners in the region. According to Mr. Li, each nation has faced some opposition political and sensitive issue in the country, pay a political price to get to the negotiating table and signed agreements but finally they cannot receive what they want. Now, United State diplomats do not have what they want in Asia, After the US told the regional partners was signed TPP will strengthen America 's leadership position in the region, the regional partner also concluded to be a waiver of TPP would undermine America 's leadership position and China is ready to be leadership position which vacated this area. In terms of the overall situation of power in Asia, the US withdrew from the TPP, that means United State is bringing the beneficial strategy for China, not only because a trade agreement supported by the United States, U.S foreign policies will be disappear forever

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