
Rehabilitation In Standford Prison

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Good and evil roam the earth without a flinch of mercy and are in constant motion to keep a balance in the world. Now complications in a society arise when multiple opinions create infinite versions of what's good and what bad in the world. In our present society, punishment is the main tool in offense towards crime, but does it work? The prison industry has 4 major purposes; retribution, incapacitation, deterrence, and rehabilitation. From a Wardens perspective, depraving criminals of their freedom is a way of making them pay a debt to society for their crimes but what is the actual result of the process. Based off Philip Zimbardo documentation of the Standford prison experiment and many other reports show what are the expenses of human isolation. …show more content…

the same concept applies to prisons when a inmate is sentenced to grow from his past non socially acceptable behavior in a cesspool of violence, corruption and unknown danger . The SPE observation showed systemic selection procedures ensured that everyone going into their 'prison' were normal average and healthy as possible and had no prior history of any social behavior, crime or violence. Despite the artificiality of the controlled experimental research, the data recorded captured the central psychological features of imprisonment that Zimbardo believed to be central to a prison experience. So with that being said, the individuals that were confined to the negative environment, previously unknown to them unintenally provoked survival measures by altering their mindsets to perform sadistically and malicious in order to escape or just receive more humane treatment from the guards. the fact with this is that if normal neutral human beings were confined to a prison like experience and turned evil just from the experience what could it do to individuals that have a more radical view of morality ... now in comparison with real prison complex, Someone living there is less likely to be murdered than they would be elsewhere in America. That, however, is where the good news ends. The bad news, of which there is plenty, is that the life the prisoner …show more content…

“Many of those in prison come from the most socially excluded groups in society. Many will have grown up in backgrounds where serious violence, drug and alcohol abuse are commonplace experiences. Few may have known the security of a stable home or done well at school. Crime may be seen as a survival strategy, as inevitable, or the only means of getting the things that others have.” (para.11.1) according to the National Museum of Crime & Punishment , an effort to offer better rehabilitative services to the inmates, many prisons have begun providing psychiatrists to help deal with prisoners’ mental disorders and psychological issues. Prisons also offer classroom settings in which inmates can learn to read and educate themselves. These methods are proven to have a positive effect on the prisoners and have helped many to overcome a background with little or no education. Upon their release, prisoners who have stuck with these programs are given a better opportunity to succeed and to become law abiding citizens. The problem with that picture is why that now just being implemented into the equation and not used in the first place. crimes are based off morality when it should really be judged and treated on through psychology because rape,muder,assault,grand theft are abaft behavior rooted to a deeper meaning .some people deserve to be locked away for the sake of thee society but they shouldn't be stuck in a

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