Our National Parks and Monuments cover millions of acres throughout this country, sequestered by our Federal Government and held in trust for the entire world to enjoy, which begs the question, How much access should people have to our National Parks and Monument system? People travel from around the world, as far as China to visit these National Parks which are right in our backyard. How do you appropriately regulate access of these natural splendors when people have traveled so far to visit them? Who are we to deny anyone access when we so freely enjoy it. There are some logical answers to these questions. Education is first and foremost important when approaching these situations, increasing knowledge and awareness of the visitors to these areas and evoking a sense of ownership or pride by visiting these areas, is …show more content…
(NPS, 2017) Riding the shuttle gives the guest the chance to sight see as they wind through the many different areas of the park, increasing the pleasure of the experience, in turn decreasing pollution, smog and habitat destruction that often happens when you have thousands of vehicles a day visiting the park. It’s a “win, win!” Having visited Zion National Park myself, as the driver, I remember my visit mostly staring out the windshield while my passengers were able to witness the beauty of the park, or looking back at the amazing photos my boyfriend took of the various marvels and beauty the park has to offer, I felt a little “short changed” from the experience. Although I don’t believe limiting vehicle or guest access is a long term solution, I do think that positively promoting the “shuttle experience” will reduce overall habitat destruction and pollution in the
National monuments were originally designed to protect things that were of historic or scientific interest. Although now and days we tend to perceive national monuments as part of our countries heritage; they allow us to display the respect and recognition that we have towards our country and the individuals who sacrificed a great deal in order for us to live comfortably in this wonderful country. The antiquities grant of 1906 gave the president the authority to designate national monuments and since then the president and congress have created more than 100 national monuments. The various agencies that manage national monuments are the National Park Service, Forest Service, Fish and Wildlife Service, or BLM.
In the United States, there are millions of acres of land dedicated to our national parks. Over half of the states in our country have land dedicated to national parks, and according to Linda J. Bilmes and John Loomis, the National Parks Service protects 412 of these places. The amount of land dedicated to these parks is quite a considerable amount and it has drawn the attention of the federal government. The government believes there should be cut backs on the amount of land dedicated to places such as Yellowstone and Ellis Island. However, if these parks, monuments, etc. were to be reduced in size, the United States would lose protection of a magnitude of important things such as areas of land and water, animal habitats, historical sites, monuments, and areas sacred to
Starting in the 1800s, many Americans wanted to preserve the beauty of scenic natural wonders. They went to the government and asked them to create something called “national parks.” Responding to these calls, Congress and President Abraham Lincoln put California in charge of taking care of Yosemite during the civil war. The world’s first official national park was Yellowstone when it was created in 1872. Many more parks soon followed. National parks were created “For the benefit and enjoyment of the people” (Theodore Roosevelt). This is true because they have been protected and untouched by humans for anybody to see. There are rules about the use, creation, and conservation of national parks because they should be continued for future
All around the world we have National Parks that are protected areas by the government. John Muir was enraptured by it and Ansell Adame immortalized it, while Teddy Roosevelt created the National Park Service to protect these National Parks. These nationals parks are very important to keep for the environment, we all need to work together to keep these parks as nature as possible.
My 1st contention is national parks can actually negatively affect the environment, they draw thousands or even hundreds of thousands of visitors who all impact the environment, whether through pollution from cars or the impact of camping. The roads that are built for cars in the parks have a severe impact on the environment and the animals that are l m, iving there. according to ournationalparks.us “High levels of park attendance affiliated with vehicular traffic have caused the Yosemite National Park administration to wonder how it can still allow visitors to enjoy the exuberance of the park, but, at the same time, preserve the habitat of the more popular
National parks are part of the foundation and history of the beginning of America. The NPS is an organization that fights for the national parks and is trying to preserve them. Although the national parks may seem like land with no meaning taking up space that could be used for more construction and modernization, they deserve to be a priority because of the history they hold from the beginning of our great nation and because of the recreational value they provide to the public.
In 2016, the National Park Service (NPS) celebrated 100 years of preservation and conservation of our nation’s parks, monuments, and historical sites. Currently, the federal government has proposed significant proposed budget cuts to the National Park Service. If the government makes these cuts, then Americans could lose the national parks along with the beauty, culture, and history that comes with them. This would happen because the NPS would lose most of its funding that is needed in order to keep the national parks wellpreserved. Investing in the NPS should be a priority in our nation because it provides educational programs, unites all ages and races, and preserves and conserves the national parks.
the role the national park will play into the future to provide benefit and relevant services to Canadians and a commitment to work with communities, organizations and individuals for a sustainable future and to sustain or improve the ecological integrity of the park.
This large amount of people has prompted legislative action to clearly define the park’s borders in 1929, and has also inspired park management programs to protect the
Public participation is an important aspect of any community and benefits realized from inculcating it in the system of any public setup treats any possible problem. Some of the core merits any public institution produces is enabling the community to participate in decision-making and planning. For this reason, they are more likely to interact with established mechanisms. Moreover, apart from helping bring about a sense of community, public participation enables institutions to set goals and objectives that suit that long-term service delivery. San Diego Unified district school is among the many educational centers in the United States that have embraced this useful method to warrant continuous progress. Therefore, they recently organized a school board meeting on 27th September 2016 to provide an update on what was going on in the institution as well give the public an opportunity to discuss their concerns and contributions. This paper analyzes the nature and role of public participation in uniting the community and institutions that serve its members. Evidently, although the meeting had some hitches in terms of short notices and low ethnic representation, it was successful because the community and the institution discussed agenda and non-agenda matters and settled for proposals to increase engagement in the future.
By allowing visitors into the parks, the National Park Service plays a vital part in educating the world about its wildlife. The Service has a Junior Ranger program that teaches children all over to “Explore, Learn, and Protect”. This program teaches the next generation of our planet to appreciate the wild, untamed regions of the Earth and explains why and how we need to preserve them (United, “Junior”). By making and managing trails and signs that will keep both humans and wildlife safe, the National Park
This is the first epigraphic attestation of the cult of Aphrodite Ourania in the region. The appearance of the goddess in connection with two Egyptian deities, Osiris and Nephthys suggests that Isis may have been identified with Aphrodite in the dedication. Several archaeological and epigraphic examples exist demonstrating the association or identification of Isis with Aphrodite. However, this is the first epigraphic record relating Isis with Aphrodite Ourania. Aphrodite Ourania is particularly regarded as the goddess of marriage and fertility. It is likely that the similarity between the aspects of Aphrodite Ourania and the marital and procreative functions of the cult of Isis which are mentioned in the Isis-aretologies may have stimulated
Our nations incredible 401 National Parks are some of the most iconic places on the face of the earth. From the Grand Canyon to the Great Smoky Mountains our nation's national parks are something we should be proud to have. Lately our National Parks have been under threat from both Environmental and Political issues both putting our National Parks at risk. We need preserve the National Parks for generations to come. The National Parks show the most amazing parts of this great nation, they are the source of billions of dollars in revenue, and they are the home to countless forms of wildlife.
Damn, I am counting down the days like never before. Since Aileana has come back into my life it’s harder than hell to be away from her. Duncan has been trying to keep me occupied with crazy antics on our down time. It has helped some, but the bond is so strong that Aileana is always in my head. My body is agony in wanting her. I can feel her thoughts, even all the way out here on the drilling platform. She still is fighting the pull her body and mind has with mine. I can feel her need for me. The Selkie magic of our joining is too strong for either of us to fight.
Visitors and traffic management: Reducing the impacts on sensitive natural areas would enable the local communities to protect and sustain for future generations. The Peak District National Park could be shown as an example, as they have visitors from all around the world and it has enormous impact on social life’s as well as the landscape of the visiting places. By restricting, the visitor numbers would essentially lead them to cover most of the areas and it will reduce the traffic. They can minimise the risks by enforcing external visitors to visit at certain time, which will create an opportunity for protection and other things.