
Regulate Access To National Parks

Satisfactory Essays

Our National Parks and Monuments cover millions of acres throughout this country, sequestered by our Federal Government and held in trust for the entire world to enjoy, which begs the question, How much access should people have to our National Parks and Monument system? People travel from around the world, as far as China to visit these National Parks which are right in our backyard. How do you appropriately regulate access of these natural splendors when people have traveled so far to visit them? Who are we to deny anyone access when we so freely enjoy it. There are some logical answers to these questions. Education is first and foremost important when approaching these situations, increasing knowledge and awareness of the visitors to these areas and evoking a sense of ownership or pride by visiting these areas, is …show more content…

(NPS, 2017) Riding the shuttle gives the guest the chance to sight see as they wind through the many different areas of the park, increasing the pleasure of the experience, in turn decreasing pollution, smog and habitat destruction that often happens when you have thousands of vehicles a day visiting the park. It’s a “win, win!” Having visited Zion National Park myself, as the driver, I remember my visit mostly staring out the windshield while my passengers were able to witness the beauty of the park, or looking back at the amazing photos my boyfriend took of the various marvels and beauty the park has to offer, I felt a little “short changed” from the experience. Although I don’t believe limiting vehicle or guest access is a long term solution, I do think that positively promoting the “shuttle experience” will reduce overall habitat destruction and pollution in the

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