May I please the court, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, opposing counsel. This is a simple story of betrayal. A story of laziness that lead to rounded corners. Not only did this laziness lead to a broken friendship, this plagiarism possibly led to the loss of $20 million dollars promised to Regan Buschell. The defendant, Regan Buschell stabbed Becca Ables alone at the festival for this money. If Regan graduated from Wheeler U with a GPA of 3.5, he would gain $20 million. But when a hard class came along, Regan Buschell plagiarized to keep that precious green paper. But rightfully so, when Becca Ables went to turn Regan in, she was stopped by the blade. Unable to be here today due to her physical state, unconscious at the hospital and hanging
The accused, Brady Lorenz, age 18, has a known past relating to anger issues, and has been convicted of assault once before the events of this case had taken place. Dylan, a witness in the case who is eighteen years of age, is a brilliant student but does have a criminal background. Dylan was charged with underage gambling and blackmail. Leon Lee is age eighteen and student council president and has no criminal background but appeared to be caught up in a “love triangle” between Brady and Emilia. Emilia V. is age eighteen and is an amazing athlete and played for the varsity girls hockey team and had sustained a head injury during the championships.
Mark was found outside the only exit Nancy could use, in his pickup truck drunk and asleep. When the police officer arrived, they had charged mark with an invasion of privacy for violating the terms of the protective order and public intoxication. Then the state of Indiana charged mark with attempted murder, a jury trial was held and the jury found Mark guilty. Mark was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison and after completing his time five years of probation. The Indiana court had accepted mark collier appeal for his attempted murder charge, Mark had said that the evidence was insufficient and his acts were a preparation for the murder. The acts that mark had done makes the courts believe that mark was going to go through with the crime. The facts that were presented to the jury would make them believe that Mark had to take the substantial step for the crime of attempted murder. If Mark was awake, was going into the hospital, and opened to door, Mark would be guilty of attempted murder. The Indiana Supreme Court made a decision that mark was not guilty of attempted murder. Mark was not near Nancy since he was in the back of the parking
After pleading guilty to armed robbery in Wisconsin, Gerald Scarpelli, was sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment, which was later reduced to probation. Scarpelli signed an agreement allowing him to reside in Illinois and was supervised by the Adult Probation Department of Illinois. Shortly after, Scarpelli was caught committing burglary with an accomplice. After being informed of his Constitutional rights, Scarpelli admitted to committing the felony, an admission he later claimed was made under extreme duress. The Wisconsin Department of Corrections revoked Scarpelli’s probation because of the violation and imprisoned him. He was not given a hearing. Two years later, Scarpelli filed a writ of habeas corpus and the district court held that revoking
Facts of the Case – On March 27, 1967, Leslie Taylor Morrin, a 37 year old Millwright worker in Oregon Ohio, killed William Abell, a 53-year old male with several blows to the head with a pair of tongs taken from the back seat of his car. The defendant, Morrin, met Abell a stranger (victim), at a nearby bar in Toledo, Ohio where he stopped to call the union’s business agent. While the defendant was on his way home (Monroe, Michigan), the victim, Abell asked for a ride, stating that he (Abell) was stranded and was going in the same direction. During the trip, the victim pulled out a knife on the defendant who immediately volunteered to give up all of his money. William, who is also the victim demanded that Morrin perform oral sex upon him.
11:30 P.M. approximated time of death. 8:15 A.M. Wednesday, April 15th Victim found. Victor Timm, 20 years old (5’8”, 150 lbs). Cause of death: Strangulation/suffocation. It is thought that there was tension between victim and 6 other students all apart of the “VOCALPALOOZA” ( a local choir competition). Witnesses were able to recreate the crime scene with artificial materials which helped police and detectives find the motive of the murderer. With all of the clues taken into consideration, I was able to come to a conclusion. I charge Ms. Elle Corazon with the brutal murder of Victor Timm.
In submitting this assignment with this cover page, I am hereby stating that: (1) I have voluntarily read, understand, and agree to uphold and abide by the syllabus plagiarism policy for this class; (2) I have neither plagiarized any other author’s written material or unwritten ideas or enabled (intentionally or unwittingly) other students to plagiarize any part of this assignment; (3) I have neither shown or even discussed my assignment with any other student; and (4) I voluntarily accept the consequences stipulated in the syllabus plagiarism policy for this class should my statements in (1), (2), or (3) above prove false.
2. Hard times and a disappointing date night drove the defendant over the edge. After bringing his girlfriend home after a date, the defendant left her house around 9:30 PM. In a hurry to get home he boarded the #9 bus taking it down elm street and it turn on 5th street. Normally, the defendant would get off on 5th and Maple street, but not that day. On that day, he was riding the bus with Ms. Fitzgerald and notice that she
This is case that faces Mary Barnett. The issue in this case is that On January 23, the litigant, Mary Barnett, left Chicago to visit her life partner in San Francisco having left her six-month-old little girl, Alison, unattended in the apartment. Mary Barnett returned home a week later to find that her child had died of dehydration. She called the police and at first, to let them know that she had left her kid with a baby sitter. She later expressed that she had left the child and she didn 't mean to return, and that she knew Alison would die in a day or two. She has been accused of wrongdoing of second-degree murder; purposeful homicide without intention. In the event that she is sentenced, she could face up to eighteen years in prison. This piece of writing tries to give the verdict of the case after critically examining both prosecution and defendant side.
The second story the author discusses is starkly different from that of the Anorexia paper, and makes an example of the type of trouble plagiarism can cause in an institution and those involved in it. In this instance, a male student submits a paper discussing the assigned topic in such a way that triggers the suspicions of the professor. Murphy eventually discovers the true origin of the paper, only to find the student had gone so far as to cut out the evidence from the book. Many denials and meetings later he was “Within the week . . . suspended from the University.” (900). An academic career over, and a weakening of a professors already tenuous ability to trust in his students, were all this case resulted in. Academic dishonesty, plagiarism, wastes the time of everyone involved. It wastes the time of the student because they aren’t learning anything. It wastes the time of the professor who has to search for the original sources of the plagiarized works. And it wastes the time of the committee formed to decide the fate of the student. The author mentions several times his distaste for having to search: “Though I should not have had time to play detective, I made room among all the duties of my life to pursue this student.” (900). Murphy was disappointed in his own inability to drop the case, needing to follow it to it’s conclusion despite his busy
Good evening Your Honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and opposing counsel. Tonight you heard the testimony and evidence in Roughed Grouse High School's attempt to hide, justify, and deny their negligent actions. In order to prove Roughed Grouse High School's negligence resulting in the death of Jordan Simon, I, along with my co-counsel, had to prove our case, not beyond a reasonable doubt, but simply by a preponderance of evidence. In other words, if you were to put the evidence favoring the case of the plaintiff and evidence favorable to the defendant on a scale, we the plaintiff would have to make the scales tip ever so slightly in our favor. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we have done just that. We have proved to you tonight
A college student submits a plagiarized essay. The professor contacts the student to inform them that the plagiarism has been identified, and that the offense will be reported to the college. The student explains that they have been working 2 jobs because their spouse is unemployed, and that because there is a previous offense this may result in the student being placed on academic probation. The student asks for the professor to not follow the course policy of reporting offenses of plagiarism.
Tiffany had a bad point of view about community college. She thought that Community College is not a real college and as you long you showed up to class every single day, you deserved a passing grades. She did not take her education seriously because her parents’ paid for tuition, and because she’s ensured about what she wants in life, she’s used community college as a benefit to stay on her parents’ insurance. Tiffany did not pay any attention in class or to her professor’s. She tried to make her paper look cute, so she used text speak in her writing (Lol, omg). Text speak and slang are unacceptable in college writing. She did not know how to properly format a college paper. She also thought that plagiarism is when you take someone else’s
In a case of dismissal, Academic Dismissal will be noted on the transcript. The penalty for academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and unethical behavior as it relates to the writing of the essay, or creative project may be dismissal from the Class. Any appeal by a student is to be made first to the instructor.A written report of the incident by the instructor or department chair will be sent to the dean of the College or school, who will keep a written record of the complaint when it is filed, and will forward a copy of the complaint to the appropriate associate dean’s office at the time. The associate dean will place a copy of this record in the student’s file and provide the student with a copy.The student has the right to appeal the accusation of academic dishonesty if the student believes it to be in error.After reading websites and other papers to write this paper i have learned that i could have got in a lot more trouble then i actually did.And if i was in college it would be a much more serious
The case of plagiarism I found was about a student named Amanda Serpico, she was a student at Rutgers college, Amanda was doing a paper for her Argumentation course. Amanda was writing her final paper which was an opinion paper arguing the politics of gay marriage. While Amanda was on christmas break her professor wrote an email stating that her paper had been detected for using plagiarism. Amanda fought back stating that she did not plagiarize and used tools provided by the college, the software she used was Turnitin. Amanda appealed her case saying that the software Turnitin was flawed, Amanda lost her case and received a “F” in the course. Amanda was allowed to graduate from Rutgers but as a result of the “F” she did get denied from her
The paper applies a content analysis to review student files which record the formal process by which students in a large US West Coast university were 'charged' with plagiarism and defended themselves. The article recognises the fact that students may disguise their true reasoning whilst providing the reasoning, but concludes that 'they are still exposing the logic that they use to defend plagiarism – and