
Refugees In Australia Essay

Decent Essays

Australia resettles around 14,000 refugees each year under its humanitarian visa program (Department of Social Services, 2017).

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) study report released by the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health in September 2017 found refugees entering Australia are under-immunised. The study that was conducted using a highly developed policy framework comprising eight important policy determinants found inconsistent immunisaiton policies for refugees between jurisdictions are causing gaps leading to pockets of under-immunised population in Australia.

To ensure consistency across the states and territories and to lift the immunisation coverage across resettled refugees in Australia, the study highlights …show more content…

This is the first study to evaluate and analyse the refugee-centric immunisation policies in Australia.

The UNSW study (2017) conducted the review of all publicly available government refugee-specific policy and strategy documents across all jurisdictions in Australia and found:
• A refugee-specific immunisaiton policy document was available only for NSW, NT and Western Australia.
• ACT and Victoria included refugee as ‘at-risk group’ in its immunization strategy documents.
• Refugee-specific immunisation was not indicated in Queensland Immunisaiton strategy.
• Refugee specific imumunisaiton policy wasn’t found for Tasmania. Undertaking a framework comprising eight important policy determinants, the UNSW study (2017) conducted content analysis of seven major government policy-documents available across all jurisdictions in Australia. The study highlights both strengths and weaknesses of the policies. Key strengths

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