
Reflective Report On Public Service Course

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Reflective report

In this reflective report I would like to address the most importance elements about what I have learned through the first semester on MSc in public service course u. I must say that the environment surrounding me has affected my reflective knowledge acquisition.

I have been through the first course’s modules such as Marketing in an International context, Management organisational behaviour, and Management environment. However, the most interesting module for me is the international Management and Leadership across culture.

Two things at the beginning of the first course courses have surprised me. First, the idea of teamwork, which I have never done it before. We were divided into small groups in order to achieve …show more content…

For example, I studied the importance of the PESTLE factors within the idea of setting up new business beyond the country’s boundary. The outcome of being aware about the PESTLE factors can offer business company a great chance of success in the marketing context. The management organisational behaviour delivered such a great details on how management’s orientation has been changed for decades ago. It show me the contribution of the management scientists such as Max Weber’s the founder of Bureaucratic management theory as well as Elton Mayo’s theory of Management Behavioural. In addition, the scientists who set theories to be a guideline for managers to manage an organisations and assist employees to work effectively.

I have learned that leadership is a significant aspect of any organization. So, an organisation can be led to a great successful as well as managing people effectively by understanding these theories in order to get their highest and best performances within the organisation.

Another good example here is Greiner’s model, which explains the evolution and the revolution in the organization. Consequently, I learned the phases of an organization growth. I come to understand that each one of the organization growth’s phases(evolution) end up with crisis that is expected . Therefore, I become aware about these types of expected crises and when they might be happening as consequences of

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