
Reflective Practitioners

Decent Essays

There is no single right approach to the complex practices of teaching and learning (Loughran, 1996). It is commonly accepted that no educational program is totally applicable or can prepare teachers. Consequently, teachers need reflective practice to efficiently cope with the fast world changes (Grant & Zeichner, 1984). Adopting Socrates’ famous saying that “the unexamined life isn’t worth living”, I do believe in reflective practice as being essential to effective teaching and learning. In my opinion, active reflective practitioners are those who are intellectually curious and emotionally enthusiastic about improving their work using moral, ethical, and responsible actions based on critical analysis and evaluation of experiences as a way …show more content…

Reflective practitioners are those who transfer the hidden wisdom and formal past knowledge to discover missed values, achieve a higher level of understanding, and recast current experiences. As Eliot indicated, “we reflect on an experience we had but missed the meaning” or “to get the meaning from an everyday experience” as Jonathan, Gosling, and Mintzberg explained. Reflective practitioners are never happy to accept ’routine actions’. As Dewey recommended, they believe that any current reality is one of many possible intelligently selected alternatives that are based on applying ‘reflective action’ to make a difference in their own, their students, and others’ lives. They are those who know their strengths and limitations, understand theories, see beyond an established way of thinking, are aware of cultural and context issues, and are not afraid to challenge and change. In Lebanon, teaching is sadly undervalued with thoughts of being a straightforward task despite the wide-ranging challenges teachers face. A number of schools are trying to apply reflective practices as a matter of adapting to the educational changes happening in the

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