My classmates and I huddled around the computer, awaiting the glowing message of ACCEPTED or the brooding letters of REJECTED. Zach, Elyana and I had completed the hardest tax return of our lives two days prior, and we were waiting to see if the IRS approved the return. A rejection meant a mistake on our part; one misentered number could cost us a letter grade. From April to May of this year, I worked as an IRS volunteer to complete federal tax returns for my community. For each client, I collaborated with two of my classmates to accurately complete the client’s tax return. The preparer prepared the taxes, the auditor made sure everything was correct, and the distractor talked to the client to make the process easy to comprehend. On one particular
Adrian is a salesperson who represents several wholesale companies. On January 2, 2008, she received by mail a commission check from Ace Distributors in the amount of $10,000 that was dated December 31, 2007. Adrian is concerned about the year in which the amount of $10,000 is taxable. Although the check is dated 2007, she contends that it would have been unreasonable for her to drive 100 miles (one way) to the Ace offices on the eve of a holiday to collect her check. Further, Adrian maintains that even if she had made the trip to collect the check, by the time she returned home, the bank would have closed and she could not have deposited the check until January.
Reflecting on this course over this semester, there have been many lessons learned that will be valuable, as we enter the business world. Our first lesson was to learn to work together, as a team, to prepare a short memo, long memo, letter, and email for use in the business world. This is a lesson that will experience many times as we do our daily work. Punctuation and grammar are so important to present to the client and other organizations that we are professionals. It could mean the loss of a sale or acquiring new business. It’s like dressing for work; looking professional or unprofessional.
1. All distributions (excluding reasonable salary) to Paula and Mary will be taxed as dividends to them. And the corporation could not deduct this part of distribution.
Form a Powerful Coalition - Rossotti used a phased approach to map out his strategic plan for transforming the IRS. He used experts to help him define the organization’s archirEtecture and outline the transformation program. He then used IRS employees to develop a more detailed plan, which included a communication plan to help employees become aware that a major change was occurring to build commitment and buy-in.
There, glaring up at me in bold, red ink against the crisp white paper was a C- . Comparing my grades to those of my classmates, it was revealed that they too had received these grades. What had we done wrong?
Facts: Murray Taxpayer was previously employed by a company who was illegally dumping chemicals into a river. Murray had knowledge concerning these illegal activities of his employer and made an ethical decision to report this to the Environmental Protection Agency. Upon inspection, the Environmental Protection Agency determined that Murrays employer was in fact illegally dumping and was appropriately fined for the charges. Murray’s employer reacted to his whistleblowing by firing him and making deliberate efforts to prevent Murray from gaining employment elsewhere. Murray then sued his former employer for damaging
One day I was ask to transfer Mrs X from bed into wheelchair. Mrs X is paralised so to transfer her a full body hoist is needed. I had to call for help, it wouldn’t be safe to do this by myself. So while I was waiting for the other carer to arrive I have explained to Mrs X what and how we are going to do it. I have also cheked the hoist and battery if its fully charged and operational. I put right size sling on Mrs X with her cooperation. I carefully manovered hoist close to bed, then I hooked sling onto the hoist with short hooks on to of the body and long hooks on bottom. That was when my collegue arrived to help me with transfer.We asked Mrs X if she is ready when she said yes by pushing
John Smith will be taxed on his income of $300,000 regardless if he received the amount as a lump sum or in annuity. The constructive receipt doctrine states that “…
In the United States, the top one percent received about 20 percent of the overall income for 2016. This creates an uneven distribution of income causing Americans to argue about whether or not the wealthy should pay more in federal income taxes. One side of the argument is that the wealthy make a huge portion of the nation’s income; therefore, they should have higher tax rates. The other side argues that wealthy Americans already pay their fair share of taxes by paying nearly 40 percent and should not be forced to pay more. These arguments both use compelling evidence to make their claims; however, a solution could be reached by increasing the tax rate of the top one percent by only 10 to 20 percent.
“Dare to be wise,” echoed my future principal’s voice through an auditorium filled with hundreds of apprehensive eleven year olds and their parents. We were at the information night for a magnet school called Federal Way Public Academy, of which it's main reputations were of it giving students two-to-three hours of homework each night and having no P.E. or music classes. Before hearing that motto, I had little desire to make the sacrifice to go to Federal Way Public Academy.
The United States is in a recession; it has been facing some of the worse economic times since the Great Depression in the 1930’s. One option to fix the economy is to change the corporate tax rate. To lower it or to raise it, that is the question economists have been speculating. America's high corporate tax rate and worldwide system of taxation discourages U.S. companies from sending their foreign-source revenue home, which makes U.S. companies defenseless to foreign acquisition from the international opponents (Camp). Corporations and United States citizens have been fighting for a tax reform, which would hopefully help the American economy; either by lowering the corporate tax, or by raising the tax.
Taxes are unavoidable because government is needed and government operates on tax revenues. The FairTax is a tax-inclusive progressive national retail sales tax that replaces every other federal tax in America. The new national sales tax would be 23%. Although there have been some questions as to whether the sales tax rate is 23% or 30% and they stem from the meaning of tax-inclusive and tax exclusive. The sales tax in Florida is an example of an exclusive tax because it works of a preset base. If a person buys something for 1$ and pays a .30$ tax on it the sales tax is 30 percent because it is .30$ on the dollar. With the inclusive tax the item would cost 1.30 because the tax is included with the cost. The tax rate of 23% is calculated by
In this composition, we will be discussing two topics that go hand in hand when it is dealt with in tax accounting. To fully understand the scope of this article, passive activity is defined by the IRS as “any rental activity or any business in which the taxpayer gains income but does not materially participate in the activity”(IRS). Examples of passive activities can include equipment leasing and real estate leasing, in contrast to salaries, wages which are generally considered non-passive activities. As the article “Skip the dorm, buy your kid a condo” states, there are tax benefits when renting a property, but now individuals have exploited loopholes in the tax code that can be controversial and even illegal.
Income tax return processing is something that binds every working person jointly. Salaried employees have to be extra cautious as it pertains to submitting their tax. If you have been working for some time and you also haven't registered the returns of your earnings yet then you're in big trouble. Every person must file their dividends. If you're one particular people who use time as a justification then there's some information for you. Now you can E tax to record your returns.
I’ve summed up the introduction of Taxation to these slight words. Taxation is defined as a way that the government able to generate or collect revenue from the citizen of one’s nation through different sources. As what I’ve learned from Taxation course that there are two types of taxation, direct which are paid by the taxpayer directly to the government, and indirect which are collected by an intermediary (like a retail store) from the consumer. The intermediary who will file the tax return later and forward the amount of the money to the government with the return. This tax is applicable to organizations and individuals. In this reflection, I would like to highlight what I learned of business and individual taxation, the experience on working with a group for the project and what challenges I faced and how I was able to get past.