307 Reflective Essay by Iffat Malik
SID 4089018
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CW2 Reflective Essay
“The Qur 'an does not specifically ask women to cover their head, rather it tells them to draw their garments over their bosoms. In pre-Islamic Arabia women, as well as men, covered their heads and the current form of hijab is drawn both this inference as well as the sayings of the Prophet Mohammed. The cultural and personal interpretations may vary. In my hijab, I cover my hair and body but not the face, other wear niqab which exposes only the eyes, while others wear the head-to-toe covering called the burka. Hijab in Islamic culture is closely relaeted to modesty” (Syima Aslam, the guardian,1). We see many Muslim women around us who have covered themselves in either of the ways mentioned above or may be they have not covered and we would not know that they are Muslim until we ask. The main purpose of my project was to reflect the idea on the Muslim women who wear Hijab in UK. “Hijab is an Arabic word meaning barrier or partition. In Islam, however, it has a broader meaning. It is the principle of modesty and includes behaviour as well as dress for both men and women.” (Hijab, BBC,2). “There are 2.8 million Muslims in the UK” (Guardian,3) but there is no final figure as of now that how many Muslim women cover themselves.
There have been documentaries, campaigns, articles and many other things on social media to show the real face of Muslim women. And how it is
McEntyre’s Strategy #3 talked about how we live in a world full of lies. Not only this but we believe almost everything that we hear. McEntyre talks about how we need to be aware of the falsehood in our culture. She states that we should rely on each other to find the truths in a matter and be there for when we have a question about the lies we hear.
A person communicate different variety of ways, both verbally and non-verbally. Primates and other animals have been communicating without the use of language since long before humans invented verbal communication. Some scientists believe that even today, most communication between humans is non-verbal. Both types of communication differ significantly between genders and across cultures.
a. The 12 steps and 12 traditions laid a foundation for the early members of NA struggling with addictive substances other than alcohol.
The first chapter explores questions of possible Islamic liberation and why, given the choice, women don’t remove their burqas. In response to that first query, the author advocates that freedom and liberation for a country should be based on its people’s desires and values instead of what Westerners believe is the best way of life. Unfortunately, a key finding in this chapter was that the United States took advantage of Afghan women’s situation by using their rescue from the Taliban-and-the-terrorists as a justification for the War on Terror. Westerners view head coverings like burqas/hijabs as restrictive, a symbol of the patriarchy. In fact, many Middle Eastern women describe burqas as ‘portable seclusion’ that enables them to move out of segregated living spaces. Veils are worn as fashion statements or to express piety/virtue or belonging to a household. This exact worrisome practice of colonial feminism focuses more on the religious and cultural practices that persecute women, rather than more destructive issues like poverty, illness, malnutrition, politics, or lack of
Writing is a practice that most of us were taught when we were young. We were taught the basics of grammar, how to form a sentence, conjunction words, how to write paragraphs and more. Although we have learned this skill while growing up and have used the skill every year after entering kindergarten, this does not mean our writing process will ensure the best work. The authors that I chose each encourage their audience to excel in the art of writing in their own way to help with the writing process.
At some point in your life, you’ve probably experienced the struggle of trying to deal with unsightly acne. This is a skin condition where your pores become blocked by sebum, the oil produced by the sebaceous glands, Acne/pimple Scar Treatment madurai is leading to the formation of pimples on your face or any part of the body.About 80 percent of the population gets acne breakouts between the ages of 11 and 25, and a small amount of the population still gets pimples at 40 or above.
I have always prided myself on my thoughts and ideas; it is my ability to convey those thoughts through writing, with which I struggle. In highschool I managed to get by fairly well in my English class. We were primarily graded on reading comprehension, and so my poor writing skills had little opportunity to negatively impact my grade. I did not find this to be so in Writing 100, however. It quickly came to my attention that I would need to improve my writing if I wished to do well. I realized that in order to improve my writing, I would need to fix one of my worst qualities as a writer: my tendency to begin writing without properly understanding the prompt. This past semester in Writing 100 I have made an effort to fix this, and it has led me to become more intentional of the purpose of my essays, which, in my opinion, has helped highlight an intellectual depth that my work was incapable of displaying before.
Upon entering English 111, I knew I would be writing papers. However, I did not anticipate how much room I had for improvement. Throughout this term I have been enlightened with so much knowledge that I may have forgotten or have been exposed to for the first time. Certainly, my experience with essay writing has been solidified due to newfound knowledge of proper work citing, MLA standards and the steps of planning an essay. Perhaps, my time away from a learning environment slowed me down a bit, other times I feel as though I have an advantage due to life experience. An online environment has certainly been challenging but throughout the course I have provided solid work and consistent grades commendable of an A grading.
Writing influences the way humans communicate. Good writing skills are essential in the working world and it’s important for our own self. The love for writing creative stories that engage the reader personally feels like an impossible task. After thirteen years of English I’ve realized that English does not come easy to me. It’s important to note that my writing skills have improved over the years. Going into my first year of college, I was nervous. I knew that my writing needed improvement. During my first semester of college, I was able to take the WAC 101 class. This class not only improved my writing, but it also encouraged me to start reading again. I look at reading as a task instead of a hobby, but I know that it can progress toward something that I like to do on my free time. WAC 101 is a class that helps develop a student’s writing skills. To measure the progress, outcomes in different areas of writing are reflected upon.
I totally agree with what the author is saying in the text. It takes time to get a good product out even though we think some people are deep and wonderful they still have the same struggles that we have when it comes to writing. I like this text because it is realistic it is giving an account of first drafts from common day people and shows how it is even for professional writers have problems with. This point is important because as people we sometimes feel we are not as good or capable of doing something not realizing that the people we look up to have the same problems we do. Another point that I agree with the author on is that you have to start somewhere. Many times as writers we don’t know where to start when it comes to writing. That being said we will just sit and think for ten twenty minutes when we could've just been information on the paper and then editing it later. In addition I liked that the author used examples from his professional experience when it came to writing food reviews. By him using details like how he went to the restaurant and sat down with friends and took notes of what was said. This was good to me because it helps me connect with him and the things that he does to write his reviews.
One of the techniques I am going to use through out college is talking to
“Hijab is not a sign of oppression but liberation from the shackles of male scrutiny and the standards of attractiveness”. Western society views Muslim women as oppressed and the hijab as a symbol of their oppression. For Muslim women hijab is viewed as liberation for women, in that the covering brings respect and women are recognized as individuals who are admired for their mind and personality, not for their beauty and not as sex objects. Muslim women today are struggling to address the stereotypes and misconceptions of uneducated and oppressed associated with the role of women in Islam.
My writing experience about the career paper was more informative than I was expecting. By reading the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), I quickly realized that there was so much information about a career in medicine, I was not aware of especially with regards to employment and predicted employment rates. However, the most difficult part of the writing process was trying to incorporate personal information into the narrative while using statistics and descriptions from OOH to come up with a coherent essay. For example, with a plethora of personal information and details about factors that has motivated me to pursue a career in medicine, it was difficult to summarize and incorporate information from OOH into my
The Western media disregards the faults in the Western culture and religion by falsely depicting Muslim women as oppressed and living very uncomfortable lives. The Western media criticizes the way women dress and states that it is a sign of female submission. They believe that women wear the hijab to show that they are submitting to the Muslim patriarchs and the teachings of the Qur’an. Furthermore, Muslim women are portrayed as oppressed and abused by their husbands. Through this portrayal, the Western media limits domestic violence to the Islamic culture and religion, which is completely incorrect. In addition, Muslim women are considered helpless and voiceless in the Western media. The media disregards that fact that there are many Muslim
Before I came to college, I felt my writing had to follow a certain pattern and be fixated around one way of thinking. What I was fortunate to learn was quite the opposite. Writing does not have to follow any certain pattern, but can rather be structured through many different possibilities. I was also told in high school that my papers either had to agree or disagree with the given topic, even if I believed otherwise. This formulated a very one-track way of thinking when it came to my papers. Now I know that I can let my mind explore new and exciting ideas. I can agree, disagree, compliment, criticize, and question the author however my heart desires, as long as I have the evidence to back myself up. Many authors in the book, Writing About Writing, explain their processes as well as the processes of others when it comes to writing. As a writer, I can draw on my own processes and relate them to the authors, as well as use their ideas and apply them to myself. Through reading, I have learned new methods of invention, planning and revising, and incubation when it comes to writing. All ways I can use to create more meaningful and creative work.