
Reflective Essay - Original Writing

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307 Reflective Essay by Iffat Malik

SID 4089018

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CW2 Reflective Essay

“The Qur 'an does not specifically ask women to cover their head, rather it tells them to draw their garments over their bosoms. In pre-Islamic Arabia women, as well as men, covered their heads and the current form of hijab is drawn both this inference as well as the sayings of the Prophet Mohammed. The cultural and personal interpretations may vary. In my hijab, I cover my hair and body but not the face, other wear niqab which exposes only the eyes, while others wear the head-to-toe covering called the burka. Hijab in Islamic culture is closely relaeted to modesty” (Syima Aslam, the guardian,1). We see many Muslim women around us who have covered themselves in either of the ways mentioned above or may be they have not covered and we would not know that they are Muslim until we ask. The main purpose of my project was to reflect the idea on the Muslim women who wear Hijab in UK. “Hijab is an Arabic word meaning barrier or partition. In Islam, however, it has a broader meaning. It is the principle of modesty and includes behaviour as well as dress for both men and women.” (Hijab, BBC,2). “There are 2.8 million Muslims in the UK” (Guardian,3) but there is no final figure as of now that how many Muslim women cover themselves.

There have been documentaries, campaigns, articles and many other things on social media to show the real face of Muslim women. And how it is

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