
Reflective Essay On The Character Of God

Decent Essays

The character of God being omnipresent is so amazing to me, in John 8 56-58 Jesus letting them know before Abraham was born is was. “I Am” that alone speak for itself. Having been born of the spirit of God, house in a virgin woman having a runner telling everybody about your arrival has character. Wrapped in lights John 1: 7 having John being the witness of this light informing the world. The surrendering to a God that we as humans unable to see but are capable of having a relationship with is definitely a mental effect of going deep with the creator that the bible tells us in His word by apostles who witness the wonderful works of His creation which gives hope. In (Gen. 1) the mere spoken infinite power of God’s word give obedience immediately. “God said let there be light” (Ps. 33:9) Lets us know “He spoke and it was done.” There is no duplicate in God’s creation because of there is no similarities everything was created for its own purpose. Man is unable to duplicate God’s reproduction it is inexhaustible in its patterns and types. That God made everything so marvelously perfect that the morning stars sang and the son of God shouted for joy. (Job 38:4-7) God’s personality is being glorified for himself, that we are his employee’s that aren’t qualified to acknowledge just what our purpose is on earth without His sovereignty and proprietorship it was wonderful made for Him to get the glory with use reaping the benefits. The work of God’s provision is

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