
Reflective Essay On The Bluest Eye

Decent Essays

In our modern day world you should not be so ignorant to believe that racism is not prevalent although some may you experience it. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison truly hits home in conveying this message. Morrison did not communicate this through an adult character no, but through a child, a young and innocent child. In my opinion, this was brilliantly done in that bringing a child into situations like Pecola’s case it highlights the sheer horror of prejudice and rape. With Pecola’s graphic invocation of the craving and loneliness at the heart of her desire, and the tragedy of her satisfied wish, The Bluest Eye is sure to be one of the most affective, powerful, and impactful novels of all the American novels. Morrison’s repetition of the …show more content…

I think this ties back into that fact that everyone is subjected to the turmoil that comes with societal pressure. Each point of view is different to put the reader in that characters shoes. It gave me a sense as to why some of the characters were the way they were. I am also disappointed to say I may be the fault in society. The fact that I clung onto the reason that Cholly had a rough life and that is why he committed the crimes he did leads me to further realize how fragile and naive the human mind can be. I found comfort in clinging onto that so it would be less of a burden on me while reading. I think it’s a natural fault to cling onto whatever you can to lessen the blow of uncomfortable situations and this novel definitely put me in that awkward position. Personally, I would and already have recommended this novel to anyone who enjoys a book that makes them think and question everything. I will continue to read more novels written by Toni Morrison to have certain connection and to maybe further understand her books. This tragic story of a young girl trying to be loved has and will continue to touch the hearts of those that read

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