
Anthem, By Ayn Rand

Decent Essays

Some fall in love with literature early in life and continue a deep passion for it throughout time. I on the other hand cannot say the same. When I began reading like most it was simple works intended for young minds, often those types of reading lack much substance and I lacked interest. Later, I began to enjoy books that the mind to different places. I began to have an interest in dystopian fiction.
In ninth grade, I was assigned a reading project and that is when I found the book that would spark my interest in literature. For the project, we were assigned to read the novella “Anthem” by Ayn Rand. Anthem is a journey of one man’s escape from a totalitarianism society were technological advancements were strictly controlled and individualism was nonexistent. Anthem took me to a place unlike something I could imagine, the world in a totally different than anything I had ever imagined. …show more content…

What I loved about his books is that they are stories in themselves but at the same time they dive deep into topics and subjects that were relevant when they were published and still of great importance today. Many books hit on topics such as equality, Individualism, strict governments and social unjust. From reading from these types of authors I feel it has improved my writing. I see how they are all writing and making a point, but when doing so they make you feel a part of the story with the dialogue, imagery and diction that they each use in their writing. Its makes me think more when

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