
Reflective Account On Service Learning Experience

Decent Essays

My role in my service learning position is at Tri-City Church (also Community Bible Church... as there is currently a merge going on) of Vista, CA. My position is primarily to care for the needs of children while the mothers are able to take a break to meditate on the sermon. This care includes feeding children, playing with them, soothing them, taking care of their toileting needs, and helping sign in and out the children to their parents or family members. While I am already fairly comfortable with this routine (as I have been doing it for some time now) there is still the occasionally apprehensive moment. Occasionally I have trouble connecting with the parent's if their new to the area. Earning parents' trust can be a difficult thing to do. …show more content…

While we try to keep the ratio in check occasionally there is a Sunday that proves to be extra full in terms of capacity. My only desire is that my service ministers to these mothers and that I may take care of their child/children to the best of my ability. I simply adore with children and so the thought of getting to do a service learning project with young children gives a sense of extreme excitement! I expect that there will both be moments of success and failure but I need to remember that it's a learning experience and each time I work I will be better than the time before. I hope to continue to learn to connect with children and adults and prove myself to be more and more responsible, informed, useful, and service-oriented each time I help out in the nursery. It is my desire that I will be able to integrate into this service in a manner that creates a harmonious environment and an awesome experience for those I work with, the children, and the mothers of the

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