
Reflection Within Professional Development: The Gibbs Model Essay

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Reflection Within Professional Development

In this essay I intend to reflect upon a clinical skill, which I have learned and become competent in practicing. I will apply the Gibbs model to the chosen skill throughout the essay to allow for critical thought. Gibbs model includes the areas of description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. (Gibbs, 1988)
The term “reflection” directly refers to one’s own ability for serious thought or consideration regarding events, which have occurred in the past. Professional bodies and organisations utilise reflective practice within continuous professional development as an effective tool to evoke critical thoughts regarding their own actions. This analysis of one’s own …show more content…

For the purpose of this essay, I will refer to the aforementioned placement as “Brampton Lodge” in order to maintain anonymity. During the first few weeks of my placement as I was finding my feet and settling in, I found myself at a loss as to what to do as there were only female service users present. Due to policies in place at Brampton Lodge, female service users could only receive personal care from female support workers. This was not much of a concern to me as it was necessary for me to remain mindful of the individual at question’s privacy, dignity and personal preferences. However, in the forthcoming weeks as male residents began to arrive, I found myself becoming more directly involved within their personal care.

With these newfound skills I had developed, I felt empowered within placement – like I was beginning to fit in and not just a loose end. As the shifts passed, I began to evaluate my own practice to identify areas for improvement and make amendments in order to compensate for the diverse needs of the client base at Brampton Lodge.


During the fifth week of placement, a service user who I will refer to as “Adam”, again to maintain anonymity arrived at the lodge. Adam was an intriguing individual who presented a host of distinctive, complex needs. As an infant, Adam had endured a number of arduous medical

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