
Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

The Christian Manhood course taught me many things, but it specifically taught me to be open to growth and I learned about how important it is to be in a community of fellow believers. Although this was only part of the class it really stood out to me as a very important take away from the course. It is something I will take with me for the rest of my life and that I will always remember. The work that had the most impact on me was that of Father Greg Boyle’s. Father Boyle wrote many good things, but the thing I took away from him was “we belong to each other”(Boyle unit 1). I had to think about this statement at first. When I think of myself and who I belong to I immediately think family and friends. I do not think of myself as belonging to other humans, especially ones I don’t even know, however, Father Boyle made me rethink myself. He allowed me to view myself differently. I now view myself as a human being who instead of just belonging to those I know, I belong to those I don’t. Another one of his main points is that human’s need to be in community with others and be in kinship. This point in a way shocked me. Our world today is very divided. People often identify with certain groups: Republicans, Democrats, White, Black, American, Greek, and many many more. I myself identify with many groups, however Greg Boyle taught me that really there is only one group that we should all identify with, Human. This theme of community continues on into Unit 2. The definition of

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