
Reflection Paper On Identity

Decent Essays

A person’s life is made up of an impossibly unique combination of moments, interactions, and relationships, all of which amalgamate to create a human with an identity unlike any other in the world. When looking at a person’s life up close, it almost appears as if their identity is something that has been relatively constant throughout their life, however, if a person’s life is looked at a through a more holistic perspective, it’s easier to see how specific events, people, and relationships in their life made them who they are today. For this assignment, I was tasked with conducting in-depth interviews pertaining to life experiences and identities with another member of the class. Through the interview process, hidden sentiments arose, truths were revealed, and I had the opportunity to see the different ways in which my identity was formed. In analyzing these interviews, I found that through using the works of influential identity theorists, Daniel J. Canary, Michael J. Cody, Valerie L. Manusov, Jan E. Stets, and Peter J. Burke, I was able to dissect my interview and correlate specific instances of my past to aspects of my current identity, specifically my independent, self-assured, and open-minded disposition. The first identity theory that will be looked at is Canary et al’s The Four Cognitive Processes. There are many facets to this theory, but some prominent aspects that will be looked at are those of schema, family structure, and stereotypes. Schema is defined as a

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