Let me introduce myself. I am Ivan Rios and yesterday was informed that I will be the VAL Task Force Lead assigned to Branch I. Now I am waiting for the authorization to moving to the area. I just talked with Manuel Portela this morning and explained him the purpose of my visit to Las Marias on Friday 13th. Originally I went there to just make an assessment about the activity of the local Voluntary Agencies, Faith Based Organizations and Non-Profit Agencies. After my orientation, the EMC perceived it as an opportunity to get together that sector to working in coordination. Immediately he introduced me to each one of the FBOs and NPs leaders that are assisting and providing services to the community. Practically the meeting emerged spontaneously
I am SFC Chestnut, Tasha and am writing this memorandum on behalf of SGT Torres, Arnaldo G. I have served over seventeen years of active duty service in the US Army. I am currently his platoon sergeant.
I'd like to start off my introducing myself, I'm Jimmy Reginald Fontenot. I've spent a majority of my life working for the State Police in the wonderful state of Louisiana. Before my 12 years in the State Police I was a Canine Handler for the St. Landry Parish sheriff's office for 3 years, worked there for a total of 4. As you can tell I'm a career lawman and will continue till my last breath to serve the beautiful city of Los Santos. I'd like to take a moment to also thank the previous commander, Roman Stakic, for nominating me as the new Canine Services Commander. I will do him, the department, and the fine city of Los Santos proud and continue his legacy through the Canine Service. I'd also like to address that the Canine Services Unit will
The five-day SAV was very productive in establishing direct relationships and understanding the religious support in the AOR. We meet with the 1-228 and JTF-B Unit Ministry Teams (UMTs). We have the opportunity meet and welcome the incoming 1/228 AVN REG Chaplain and farewell the outgoing Chaplain.
While serving as Officer in Charge of the Marine Security Guard Training Center, I had the opportunity to observe Corporal Garcia on a daily basis. Corporal Garcia was extremely proficient in her billet as an Administrative Specialist and was able to quickly adapt to a continually evolving training cycle to assist with a demanding work environment. She served as the administrative chief for rotating sequence of 200 Marines every quarter. As the administrative manager, she handles the personnel rosters, pay allowances, promotion entries, and mail administration for each of those Marines. This does not include the constant support she provided to the permanent staff by submitting training documentation and by acting as the liaison for administrative
On August 2015, the U.S. Army South Chaplain team conducted an initial staff assistance visit to Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras. The purpose was to establish a direct relationship for teaching, coaching and mentoring while providing leadership development for the 1-228 AVN REG Unit Ministry Team (UMT). Met with the 1-228 AVN REG and JTF-B UMTs and had the opportunity to meet and welcome the incoming 1-228 AVN REG Chaplain and farewell the outgoing Chaplain. CH Melvin provided leadership by coaching, mentoring each chaplain individually, and SGM Montealegre met with each chaplain assistant to offer mentorship and guidance. As part of the trip, we visited a local boys orphanage that is part of a continual effort to work with the community to
SPC Ramos performed in a superior manner during E FSC, 317th Brigade Engineer Battalion Field Training Exercise (FTX). Her hard work and dedication played a vital role in the success of the Distribution Platoon's operation and training. SPC Ramos took the initiative in the absence off her NCOs to gather Soldiers and stage all vehicles for distro convoy operations. She also helped create the platoon's checklist for the company FTX, resulting in everyone having 100% of their equipment during the pre-combat inspection.
3) Officer Gonzalez was to identify a problem within one of the Area Commander locations and come up with a solution. Officer Gonzalez completed this goal as scheduled. He developed a plan to periodically ride the school buses to reduce the number of calls related to unruly students on a bus. This plan received positive feedback from P.U.S.D.
The name’s Flores. Erica Flores. I’m your partner on this mission, and since you’re a new recruit, I need to get you up to speed. And quickly, seeing as we have less than 8 minutes now.
WOW! So much has happened since June. The SV FFA and ag department had a rough start to our year losing three of our students who were on the FFA officer team to other schools. Even with this bump in the road, the four officers that remained visited Mt. Shasta City and had a blast bonding and learning more about each other at their officer retreat in August. Once school started we found three new officers and attended COLC (Chapter Officer Leadership Conference) where the entire team learned about their diverse leadership styles and were able to bond together as the official Surprise Valley FFA Chapter Officer Team for the 2017-2018 school year. If you see them around, congratulate President Cindy Hinze, V.P. Maddison Seely, Secretary Maya
In “Lift the Cell Phone Ban,” Rapp (2009) asserts cell phones are educational tools because of helpful apps, their widely accessible, and they have a myriad of settings for reminders. In Saskatchewan Canada at Carik School started an experiment in cell phones became important to the curriculum. Instead teachers looking at them as a bad thing, Principal Taylor looked at them as a tool for students. Testing the Waters Educators were uncertain about the idea of using cell phones because only 40% had cellphones. Teachers realized that having Bluetooth for easier information online was critical. This worked out well in “Lit Circles” giving the students all easy access online. Learning Curves- Teachers didn’t feel comfortable with the idea because
I just finished writing up my research reflection for EGMT 1520: Doing Fieldwork, and I was wondering if you would be willing to look it over and provide feedback? I’m a bit unsure as to what Professor Armengol is looking for, but I did my best to structure it according to the prompt questions he provided on Collab.
I wanted to give you all a heads up for tonight’s Cafés. I am very excited, Cara Erwin is a Fire and Life Safety Educator and she will be teaching a fire safety class with the Congolese families this evening. She was able to schedule us a fire truck for the kids to enjoy, as long as they don’t get a call . We will have the three of you and a volunteer to help with the children tonight and I can also help if needed. I appreciate how patient you all have been with these Cafés I know these kids can be a hand full.
Chief Master Sergeant Edwardo Sanchez, USAF Retired is the former Security Forces Manager for the
Whisenand, P. M., & McCain, J. K. (2014). Managing Police Organizations. In P. M.Whisenand, & J. K. McCain, Managing Police Organizations (p. 33). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate what I learned about mission command and reflect on how I will use the philosophy and concepts of mission command in my future duty assignment following graduation from the Sergeants Major Course. Although mission command is commander centric, noncommissioned officers (NCO’s) play a dynamic role in facilitating it.