
Reflection On The Crucible

Decent Essays

My crucible that brought me down to my breaking point was when I was around the age of fourteen , I remember the event like this happened yesterday.I was playing for a football team and like every team we were at practice and we started to mess around and throw the ball like we were playing a game. Our coach always told us that no matter what we should always wear some type of gear whether that would be a helmet, upper body gear, or a mouthpiece to protect our mouth because we never know what could happen. Some of us had decided to not wear the gear while some did. I had decided to not wear anything because the weather was extremely hot and humid out that I thought I would sweat twice as much. So we had begun and as usual we got into our positions and I was the wide receiver so I was at the end. We blew the whistle and we all started to run to our place. Our quarterback was yelling at us where to go and he told me to go far because he was going to throw the ball at me to catch, so I did what I was supposed to and I ran as fast as I could. Our quarterback threw the ball and we all ran to go catch the ball.None of us were looking where we were running because we were all focused on where the ball was going. As the ball got closer to us we all ended up in a huge huddle where we were all pretty much on top of each other. The ball was so close to us that we all jump for the catch. One of our other teammates catches the ball and we were all falling back down and I landed on my

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