
Reflection On Selection Interview

Better Essays


Selection interviews are conducted with the purpose of determining whether a candidate will be selected for the position he or she is interviewing for. Typically, a selection interview will be at the latter stage of the recruitment process and hence more intense than earlier screening stages. Despite having rigorous and scrutiny nature, errors during a selection interview can still happen, resulting in consequences for both the interviewer and the interviewee. This essay will analyse and reflect on my interaction at a selection interview for a volunteering organisation, particularly the aspect where I was biased. The theme will be explored by answering three main questions: “How did this happen?” “Why did this happen?” and “What are the effects of bias?”

How did this happen?

The bias from the interviewer was shown during the latter half of the interview when I revealed my ethnicity background. The interview was a semi-structured interview, in which the structured part I was asked standardised questions on qualifications, experience and knowledge about the organisation, and the unstructured part was fairly unorganised and sometimes job-irrelevant. The structured part of the selection interview did not last for long. In reflection, I assumed that the interview was meant to be conducted structurally, however, the interviewer decided to change the format on-site. The unstructured half was a behavioural interview, in which I was asked to integrate my personal

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