
Reflection On Reading

Decent Essays

Reading 101 How I learned to read was with my mother who would read Dr. Seuss books. I would listen to her read the books and look at the pictures to help me understand what she was saying to me. We kept working and working, learning how to read before kindergarten. We would read about every night when she got off work to help me. Entering kindergarten, I learned how to read a little from my mom teaching me. My teacher that helped me read even more was named Ms. Miller. Some kids went to school half days and I went full days that help me a lot with reading. By doing this I was starting to read better than I did before I went into school. I got better and better as the school year went on then it was over. By second grade my reading was a lot better than first and kindergarten. I was reading great in second grade my teacher was helping me excel with my reading. I was still trying to read better than a first grader. My teacher was always pushing me and helping me to strive to reach my fullest potential. I tried to do this each day when I went to school. By the end of my second-grade year my reading was improving big time compared to when I started school. By fourth grade year I was reading awesome, but still need some help with my reading. I would struggle compared to some of the other kids. They were reading great and so did I but I still had trouble with pronouncing some words. My teacher and I would

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