
Reflection On Impression Management

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PART ONE: INSIGHT From the leadership block, I gained valuable insight from the two lessons on impression management in organizations and presentation of self in organizations. I had heard of both of the terms before each lesson, but I did not truly understand how impressions impact power/influence, and all the implications of presentation as a leader. These lessons made me think that upper leadership at USAFA, including upper cadet leadership does not understand these concepts. While each of these groups knows how to sound powerful and professional, they often lack sincerity in the impression they give off.
Looking back at my time at the Air Force Academy, I did not notice these leadership issues in basic training. I think this was …show more content…

When it is a pretty well known fact how cadets feel about PP. So it is not a lack of information holding them back, but a lack of understanding of the concepts of impression management and presentation of self in organizations.
As for upper cadet leadership such as the wing commander, vice wing commander, and wing director of operations, this lack of sincerity comes about for another reason. This semester in particular I am friends with and know several people in these top positions well, and insincerity the cadet wing sense from them is “their drinking of the cool aide.” Meaning cadets fell that upper cadet leadership just buys into what PP tells them and regurgitates it to us, that they do not believe what they are telling us, that they are PP’s show dog of “cadet leadership”, and that they only do the job for the sake of getting the perks that come with it. This stems from these cadets inability to manage their impression. What happens is these cadets do their job and follow the party line pretty much to a tee, but then when they interact with their friends (people like me), they tell us how much PP sucks, and how much they clash with them over rule changes and things like that. Then later their friends hear someone bashing this upper leadership for some reason or another, and tries to explain that this upper leadership is actually fighting for us. So the person who is complaining takes away that the cadets in these

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