
Reflection On Education In Education

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In this class we have often talked about choices parents make, that affect their children. While I do not condone coming to America illegally, I do not believe that this would effect my teaching. Personally, as an educator, I do not think that it is my place to judge a child, or his family’s legal status. My main objective is to grow my students minds, and help them to be better people. I desire for my students to be knowledgeable, and kind. This vision expands across all races, and cultures. According to,THE HUMAN FACE OF IMMIGRATION,“It’s not long before their consensus is clear: Legal immigrants are good, model residents; “illegals” are very bad.” Most of the country has this belief now. I think that it is important as educators, to broaden our students minds, and help them see that all cultures, and races should be accepted not only in our school, but in our country. Even if you don’t support people coming into the country illegally, there should be a respect for all people. Additionally, EVERY STUDENT should feel safe, comfortable, and accepted in their school. I think this applies to the students, and teachers. I also think the term “illegals” definitely gives immigrants a bad connotation, but I do not think that the issue of people entering the country illegally should be ignored. I think that it is a lose, lose, situation. This issue needs to be discussed, and whatever being said is going to hurt, or offend, someone. In the class video IMMERSION, it was very frustrating to see how the teacher handled the immigrant child in her classroom, but at the same time I understand the concept of immersion. With that being said, that child lives in America, an english speaking country, and he was in an english speaking school. He obviously was immersed in the language all the time! Therefore, I think that some accommodations should have been made. I definitely think that the child should learn to speak english, and everyone else who makes America their home. I think that it is essential to know english, if you want to be successful in America. In the classroom though, education comes first. I think that maybe he could be taught in English, but given his tests in Spanish to see how he is

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