
Reflection Of The Holy Spirit

Decent Essays

Holy Spirit:
Hermas described that the Holy Spirit is the divine principle in the incarnate Christ. The holy pre-existent spirit which created the whole creation God made to dwell in flesh that he desired. This flesh in which the Holy Spirit dwelt was subject to the Spirit. As Hermas pointed out that the Holy Spirit considered as the divine incarnate Christ in this time.
The Didache describes prophets in the church of that day who spoke “in the Spirit.” It is evident that, just as in the Book of Acts, people were receiving the Holy Spirit and exercising various spiritual gifts.
The apostolic fathers’ repeatedly talk about that salvation was through the blood of Christ. Clement stated that;
“Let us fix our eyes on the blood of Christ and …show more content…

They were dependent on the writings of Clement and Plato. Clement described Fatherhood with creativity. Plato insisted that God is the Maker and Father of the universe. He is Father inasmuch as he is Creator.
Philo of Alexandria proclaimed that God is one but also to speak of the Logos as God’s intermediary in creating the world.
The doctrine of the Logos in John 1, in the beginning God existed alone. At the same time, His plan, His thought, His mind, His reason, His expression was with Him and was Him from eternity past. In the fullness of time God manifested himself in flesh. His plan, reason, and thought was expressed or uttered. God revealed Himself. John thereby identified Jesus as the one true God of eternity past. He was not an afterthought, but the eternally foreordained revelation of God Himself.
The Apologists enlightened that Jesus Christ is not the supreme God, not the Father, but a second person, the Logos. The Apologists’ doctrine of the Logos was a departure from the monotheism of the Bible and of the earlier Post-Apostolic Age. It marks the beginning of a personal differentiation in the Godhead among Christian

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