
Reflection Of Storycorp Interview

Decent Essays

This paper will discuss the recent events that have happened in this past week. The results of the personality and values test. How the StoryCorp interview got me closer to my mother. What I learned about the photographic work field in my informational interview. The online programs I plan to use for my 21-day APP project. How I hope this class will help my growth as a person.
Summary of Key Findings from Interest, Skills, Values and Personality Surveys I generally try to be kind to others and I greatly enjoy making people laugh. I would like to incorporate humor into my Capstone Project and show the beauty of nature. I want my pictures to make people happy whether it is by laughing or admiring nature. I believe this project will go well with my personality.
StoryCorps Interview Reflection Karen, my mother, and I talked about family and religion. My mother is a family based woman, she has become more religious in her age. I asked her what her favorite memories of me were and she brought up events so far in the past I had forgotten them. It was nice to reminisce about events long past and talk about Heaven. We do not normally talk about Heaven so it was nice to hear her thoughts about it.
Informational Interview Results The Capstone Project I have chosen does not need a higher education to pursue after. Mr. Dunahee explained that the degree he went in for was not for photography. He had ended up in this work field after a friend paid him to do his wedding shots. Mr. Dunahee told me this after we had finished our interview, I was unsure whether to add it in or not.
Photography is a constantly adapting in order to keep up with all the new technology made available. Why pay for a photographer when your phone can handle the job? While I greatly admire the field I do not think it would be a suitable career choice for me. After the interview, Mr. Dunahee encouraged me to join his class to learn more about photography face to face. While the offer is tempting, I fear I do not have time to join his class due to my demanding work schedule.
21-Day APP Project Since my work schedule is very hectic I have chosen to take online class to learn more about photography. I did have a hard time narrowing

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