
Reflection Of Reading And Writing

Decent Essays

Reading and writing weren’t my strongest qualities through-out high school, but in the tenth grade at West Morgan High School I built the foundation for being able to write a mediocre essay. A man by the name of Shannon Shaw was my teacher and he is the reason I have the tools to construct a genuine essay. Another year passed and I was in the eleventh grade and I decided to duel enroll at Calhoun for a history course and because of this it really perfected the methods Mr. Shaw had taught me. My final year of high school, I encountered my first actual research paper in economics class, which was an absolute horror show for me. If it wasn’t for this class and the instructor Melanie Holliday, I would have absolutely no idea how to cite sources or do something as simple as research for an assigned topic. It never dawned on me that my writing level was severely below satisfactory. I wrote a couple essays here and there through-out middle school and freshman year, but none of which were even close to decent. I never knew how to organize my thoughts much less put them onto paper in the right sequence to form an essay. Thanks to Mr. Shaw it really developed for me. It all started with a prompt that was written on the white board and he spouted, “Okay, now write me 3 to 5 things that could be important to this subject”. So, of course I did and he wrote his own points up there to help others move along. He then proceeded to ask us, “Now with those couple of points you jotted down,

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