
Reflection About Values And Culture

Decent Essays

Growing up into the young adult that I am today was full of experiences which I am always exhilarated to have lived in a culturally disparate communities with a distinct way of living, where I learnt about the separate values and culture. My birthplace is my Ghana, it is one of the most permissive countries in the world that encourages peace among the different religions, and famously known for our rich culture. One of the most respected and feared tribes in Ghana due to their bravery during the times of colonization by the British and other countries is the Ashantis who never allowed themselves to be persuaded or conquered effortlessly. When I was born, my parents lived in a society where most of the youth were not religiously active, neither the church, the mosque, or any kind of worship. However, after a couple of years, we relocated into a new house miles away from where we lived. Living amongst Muslims helped me have a better understanding of their culture. Values such as tolerance, respect, and neatness were many of the lessons I received living amongst the men and women of the Muslim faith. The Qur'an sometimes talked about the same thing in the Bible, to me, it was a great opportunity for me to learn about the two main religions and their perspective towards this modern society and the world as a whole. I learnt a great deal about their religion, how they perceive this world, and also learnt about how almost similar the Qur'an and the Bible are. The most

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