
Reflection About Society

Decent Essays

Our society puts pressure on all genders, races, and lifestyles to be up to their standards and this is apparent throughout all aspects of our lives.To further prove this point I have deconstructed four music videos of popular artists, that being “Gucci Gang” by Lil Pump, “Anaconda” by Nicki Minaj, “Hit Me Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears and “The next episode” by Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg, to show their bare structure and how they further underdeveloped society's views. To start off I will explain who am I as a person and how I believe society views me. Being a white, 20 year old male I am viewed by society to have a head start in life and thus I should be what our society has portrayed as being more successful, brave, and bold etc.. I am aware enough to admit that I try to behold this lifestyle in life to some degree, this is my personal “me “ it's how i chose to present myself to society. That being said there is more to me than just the stereotypical male outline that society has placed me in. While being a millennial as well older generations see us as irresponsible and not ready to take over society but myself as well as my peers have the will succeed and want to make this world make a change for the better of our lives as well as others. I see myself as someone with drive and passion while trying my best to uphold respect to the highest peers and my superiors while still looking after myself. While being a millennial as well older generations see us as irresponsible

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