
Reflection About Reading

Decent Essays

I am going to be honest, I am not a great reader nor do I enjoy reading most of the time. In all my years of school, I always excelled in math, science, and other subjects that involve numbers, while I always felt reading, and English was the subject I always was below average at best. Just because I don’t like to read, that does not mean I won’t try to get better at that skill. I have tried to make myself better at reading by doing reading exercises or noredinks and other forms of help which helped with all the little things, but it never helped me with my main problem, which was not understanding what the moral of the story was. Every year when I get my scores back to English or Reading test I always feel left behind because almost everyone was doing better than me while I put the same amount of effort into reading. I was getting frustrated and sometimes made me upset because I could not understand most of my native language while others flourished in it. I first realized that reading would be my weak point in third grade when we first took the “STAR test”. Everyone who took the test usually received an average score while I had a kindergarten score. Everyone knew how to read well, I was still struggling to understand the story of a book meant. No one actually gave me help, so all they told me to do was to read something my own level. So I was a third grader reading kindergarten books and all this did for me was turn my brain to mush because I did not see the enjoyment

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