
Redefining Realness And Becoming Nicole Essay

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After reading Redefining Realness and Becoming Nicole, there were multiple differences between the two stories of the main characters transitioning from male to female. Nicole Maine’s story, while it had more negative experiences for Nicole than Janet probably did, it was a story that was more relatable to transgendered people. There were many things that were learned from these two books. From Redefining Realness, what I learned about gender was that you figure out your identity sooner than you realize, and that if not through your family, you will find a support system from people in your life. From Becoming Nicole, what I learned about gender is that even if you’re completely sure that feel like you were born into the wrong body and you want to change, there can always be doubts that run through your mind about being sure if you want to change yourself or not.
Janet Mock’s story was very interesting to me because it brought about a new approach to people discovering that a person is transgendered than I had seen. For example, in the film Three to Infinity: Beyond Two Genders, one of the individuals, Zander King, recalled how he had been harassed on the street for being transgendered. Nicole in Amy Ellis Nutt’s book also experienced some harassment while she was in the process of becoming a girl. I liked how Janet Mock’s story didn’t have those common examples of harassment. Even though she had to endure her father not always understanding why she wouldn’t “act like a

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