Impact evaluation: Red Watch Band;
Summary: The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of “Red Watch Band” in educating students of Stony Brook University how to handle alcohol emergencies and summon professional help. The intervention includes two hours of education and role plays about binge drinking and related consequences and two hours of CPR training to handle emergency situations. Hypothesis: Students who participated in Red Watch Band training will be more knowledgeable and confident to intervene during alcohol related emergencies and will make calls on behalf of their peers. Methods: The evaluation will consists of post-test questionnaire assessing their knowledge and skills to intervene from the group of students who
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Maximum number of participants that can take part per session is …show more content…
So far sixty universities have implemented this program for their students. Student engagement in this program is high. Their record shows that between the period of March 15 and April 26, 2009, nearly 100 Stony Brook students were trained but there is no formal evaluation about the knowledge and skills gained by students about binge drinking and its consequences on body. The purpose of doing this evaluation is to study the impact of RWB on students knowledge, skills and confidence to intervene in the times when every seconds
In today’s society college students engaging in consuming alcohol is expected. Dr. Lori Hart explained to the students the mindset of the typical college student engaging in alcohol; how the brain is undeveloped, drink responsibly and information on binge drinking.
In Henry Wechsler’s, “Getting Serious about Eradicating Binge Drinking”, he discusses the issue of binge drinking. Binge drinking is an extensive problem on college campuses. The majority of colleges merely focus on the student, rather than what encourages students to drink. Fraternities, sororities, and athletics are huge sources of the students on campus who drink. There are many approaches colleges can take to decrease the problem, and many colleges are already getting a head start. It is also important to not ignore how often colleges indirectly encourage students to drink (20).
While the combined did significantly lower alcohol-related problems initially, there was a much quicker rebound with the combined intervention than the BMI only. The main limitations of the study was the lack of ethnic diversity and non compliant subjects. The authors of this article suggested there is a need to continue to research new and refined interventions at an individual level and how to reach a greater proportion of college students. This study relates to the group topic to show that behavior modification can be successful when it comes to binge drinking on college campuses, by helping to reduce alcohol-related
Binge drinking is considered to be a health problem because nearly half of all college students have reported to drink more than 5 drinks is a short period of time (Hennessee, 2013). There has been about 1,825 college students who have died from alcohol-related injuries such as motor-vehicle crashes with the students being between 18 - 24 years old (College Drinking Fact Sheet, 2015). An increase of 6% of college deaths has occurred due to binge breaking increasing the total amount from 1,600 to 1,700 (Hingson, Heeren, & Wechsler, n.d.).
The lifecycle of binge drinking has been established through the NIAA’s definition of binge drinking which defines the problem. The public has transformed it into a public issue with organizations such as SADD and Alcoholics Anonymous. The lifecycle of the binge drinking problem continues with a debate over the cause of it, and finally finishes with coming up with a solution to reduce the amount of binge drinking on campuses (Lundquist Lecture January 25). UMass Amherst has a history of binge
Oftentimes students focus on their studies from Sunday through Thursday but as the weekend approaches, their attention shifts from academics to partying. The fact that the majority of their alcohol consumption is over a three day period (Thursday, Friday, Saturday) could be considered binge drinking. Binge drinking is defined as having four to five regular drinks consumed in one sitting, at two or more events within one months time span (Acuff, Soltis, Dennhardt, Bosari, Martens, Murphy, 2017). Another repercussion from binge drinking is second-hand effects. Inevitably, those students that are partying and drinking need the support and guidance of their more academically minded friends. Following a night of drinking, perhaps the drinker needs a ride from a sober friend or perhaps there was drama centered around those that were drinking and need the comfort and encouragement from their sober counterparts. A negative experience with alcohol as a non-drinker defines second-hand effects (Cabalatungan, & McCarthy, 2015).
We regret to inform the panel the evidence obtained in regards to binge drinking is inconclusive at this time. One study established 13.9% of first-year students who only admitted to a “drinking binge” episode only once in a period of two-weeks. According to the study; 14.8% of seniors also admitted to a “drinking binge” in the same two-weeks (Presley, Meilman, Cashin, & Lyerla, 1996). Therefore, no part or portion is distinct or distinguishable of either student(s) mentioned because seniors and first-year students than reported; were having between six and nine binge drinking episodes in a period of two-weeks (Presley, et al.). However, Engs, Hanson, and Diebold (1996) established binge drinking among seniors were fewer than among first-year students. In classical logic binge drinking studies occurred during college conclusively, so we can determine the research is reliable regards to negative results of said behavior. Academic grades, personal issues, overdosing, impaired driving, and sexual behaviors have proven to be a few of the negative effects of student binge drinking (Perkins, 2002). These consequences are
“According to the CDC, about 90% of all teen alcohol consumption occurs in the form of Binge Drinking, which experts say peaks at the age of nineteen.” (qtd by Listfield). Binge Drinking is the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. The author, Emily Listfield, defines that the standard alcohol consumption over a two hour period is considered to be four beers for women and five beers for men. This has become a great distraction for college students nationwide and a major dilemma on college campuses. Nearly two hundred thousand students visit emergency rooms each year due to the abuse of alcohol, and more than one thousand seven hundred students die. In the article “ The Underage Drinking Epidemic”, Listfield identifies the problems that underage drinking can cause, the dangers that could happen, and four solutions on what parents can do to keep their kids from binge drinking.
Research has proven that those under the age of twenty one are more likely to be heavy or binge drinkers and more specifically, twenty two percent of all students under the age of twenty one are binge drinkers. There are many beliefs on what is to blame for the irresponsible drinking habits of these teenagers. One popular belief is that because they’re not drinking with other adults or experienced drinkers they are not being guided into the proper direction to being responsible drinkers. However, the main reason is the lack of education on the topic. D.A.R.E. ® is a program executed through local Police Stations that does a Drug Abuse Resistance Education program for a large array of age groups. The program teaches the students about the decisions they have to make in the future and the harms of drugs and alcohol and they teach students in the elementary, middle, and high schools all across the nation. The problem with this program is that they only present their education program once through the course of every student’s public school experience.
The gravity of binge-drinking-related problems has not been relieved in the recent decade, although college administrators have developed prevention programs and punishment policies to eliminate the phenomenon of binge drinking. The persistently unsolved problem should be attributed to that the major focus of previous attempts has generally been on “preventing binge-drinking behavior per se” (root). To solve binge-drinking related problems by prohibiting binge drinking is
It has come to my attention that our nation is in the middle of earthweek. At a time when we all stop, as Americans, and take a look at all of the great accomplishments we have made that we could have possibly overlooked while running around with our busy schedules. We recognize our efforts to create powerful industries and production plants that produce endless chemical compounds and new materials. The discovery and use of fossil fuels, of which has fed our automobiles and at times added a protective coating to our shores and beaches. The men and women who clear the land and provide the materials for our homes. And what about electricity? The greatest discovery of all time. We must not forget about the men
As many teenagers enter college, they begin to experiment with many things. Although not all students participate in underage drinking, it is evident that a vast majority do. Drinking is not the problem. The main problem occurs when students resort to binge drinking. In the
Binge or excessive drinking is the most serious problem affecting social life, health, and education on college campuses today. Binge or excessive drinking by college students has become a social phenomena in which college students do not acknowledge the health risks that are involved with their excessive drinking habits. Furthermore college students do not know enough about alcohol in general and what exactly it does to the body or they do not pay attention to the information given to them. There needs to be a complete saturation on the campus and surrounding areas, including businesses and the media, expressing how excessive drinking is not attractive and not socially
Alcohol and illicit drug consumption are all too prevalent today in high schools, colleges, and all across the globe. Students seeking to fit in or forget about the repetitiveness of school and homework have a tendency to experiment. Drug addiction is known by the scientific community to be a psychological condition based on excessive, obsessive, and compulsive actions. Once that regular user crosses the line into addiction their only concern is their self and their life revolves around the getting, using, and finding ways and means to get and use more. Most people start using drugs and alcohol occasionally, which is a voluntary decision,
Statistics show that prevention programs decrease binge drinking in students 6th through 12 grades, as indicated by the successful intervention programs of Project Northland and Life Skills Training. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of both programs, The Atlanta Public School System decided to use strategies from both program which addressed the closest positive results that matched the Atlanta Public School System’s objectives of decreasing substance use (alcohol), improvements in positive attitudes/behavior and reductions in negative attitudes/behavior, and reduce the possibility of automobile accidents and health problems related to alcohol abuse.