
Red Meat Research Paper

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Did you know that the meat you eat everyday can kill you? People consume meat everyday, and don’t know how it can affect their health. Research shows that red meat is increasing the chance of eight major diseases. Those diseases include cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, strokes, diabetes, infections, kidney disease, and liver disease. Red meat is also full of nasty growth hormones and cholesterol. The next type of meat that is causing long term health issues is chicken. Chicken can cause a number of bacterial and viral-related diseases and infections due to pathogenic organisms they carry. Chicken can cause salmonellosis, avian flu, E. coli infection, campylobacteriosis, and staphylococcus aureus infection. Like the red meat, chicken is full of nasty growth hormones, which is terrible for you, it is full of cholesterol. The last type of meat I will be talking about is pork. Pork also can cause many disease like salmonella, E. coli, trichinellosis, listeriosis, staphylococcus aureus, and like read meat and chicken, the pig is injected with nasty growth hormones. In all these animals when they are in domestication, they …show more content…

Pork can cause salmonella, E. coli, trichinellosis, listeriosis, staphylococcus aureus, cancer, and the swine flu. Pork comes from pigs and farmers say that pigs are the “garage of the farm.” Pigs are often eating they can this includes not only bugs, insects, and whatever leftover scraps they find lying around. Pigs also eat their own feces, as well as the dead carcasses of sick animals. According to the World Health Organization, processed meat like ham, bacon, sausage, and pork, causes cancer. The swine flu is another virus that pigs gave humans, which my brother, Parker, said wasn’t fun at all. In conclusion, pigs are not a healthy animal to eat, but if you do want to eat anything that comes from a pig don’t eat a lot of

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