
Red Meat Consumption

Decent Essays

Reducing Red Meat Consumption

Environmental actions are not solely intended for large organizations with the power to advance change because an average person could get involved by authorizing a lifestyle adjustment to everyday life. Lifestyle adjustments presented by each individual could be the potential solution to environmental problems that are damaging the entirety of the ecosystem. One of the environmental actions that everyday people can easily initiate is a food-based lifestyle adjustment. However, altering a consistent diet could be both beneficial to the environment, yet detrimental to the individual. For example, reducing the food intake of red meat from a routine allows the ingestion of more green groceries, but confiscates enjoyable food from an individual. So, in order to make the lessening of red meat consumption more painless throughout the two-day trial, five steps …show more content…

Consuming less meat helped me lose weight, gain a livelier complexion, and decrease my risk of heart disease since it runs in my family. Therefore, focusing on the individual as the source of environmentally beneficial social change is more useful because a large organization misuses power to get ahead monetarily, instead of profiting from environmental actions. The individual not only values their treatment of power, but utilizes it to point out environmental concerns such as obesity. So, by starting to eliminate all processed meats to eventually put an end to all red meat would reduce obesity and construct a healthier society that will encourage change. In order to turn the reduction of red meat consumption feasible over the long term, all individuals must gain the knowledge to make the choice to have a healthier lifestyle by recognizing that eating less meat will put both the environment and their bodies in good

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