ORTHODOXY AND PROTESTANTISM The most important recurring issues in the study of the history of Christianity during our time period is sexual abuse amongst the Catholic Clergy and abortion, the killing of a living entity, as it is a sin against God according to biblical doctrine. Many believe that sexual abuse happening in the Catholic Church, is directly related to celibacy. The Churches restriction on priests that directs them to abstain from sexual relations. This issue has been debated since the reformation in which Martin Luther and other reformers opposed celibacy. They based their argument against celibacy on the bible scripture, namely Genesis 1:28, where God wanted people to “be fruitful and multiply”. There is nothing in the bible that directly mentions celibacy. There are many versions that mention fornication and uncleanliness and the interpretation of the Catholic Church seems to have made this deduction based on those scriptures. The other major issue that is common in most of the world’s religions is abortion; the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and the Protestant Church still adopt the early church’s belief to oppose the practice of abortion. Abortion is considered murder and a mortal sin in accordance which many versus in the bible as it relates to each of these faiths. Even between the Old Testament, where the law or Tora refers to the 10 commandments, where Exodus 20:13 states “Thou shall not Murder” and
The Roman Catholic church was very important during the Middle Ages. It served many purposes and thrived during this time. The church ended up creating a whole system of paid indulgences. (Source D) Pope Urban II, was the head of the Catholic church from 1088-99.
The 95 theses was a direct challenge to the roman catholic church by the catholic monk Martin Luther. Martin Luther expresses his concerns and questions to the roman catholic church. For example, Martin Luther is highly opposed to the indulgences, people are buying their way out of sins, buying people into heaven to fund St Peters Cathedral. He also expressed his concern on how the commoners- the peasants cannot read the Bible themselves. If the peasants cannot read the Bible for themselves, this gives the priests immense power which could influence people to buy indulgences or anything else to sway people into using their money to fund the new cathedral. The 95 theses also states that the pope has no power over purgatory. This statement exposed
Do you know how many of your County neighbors are barely making ends meet—often not earning enough to cover just one unexpected expense? A recent survey revealed that about 46% of Americans don’t feel they have enough money to cover a $400 emergency expense. Rather than paying it outright, these individuals and families have to put the expense on a credit card or simply cannot cover it.
The 95 Theses is an attack on the Catholic church that was meant for people to realize how corrupt the church had become. This all started with a monk named Martin Luther. He first tried to talk with the leaders of the church when he first started to realize how corrupt they were. When they said they had nothing to discuss and denied to listen to him he then decided to write the 95 Theses.
The new heresies during the Renaissance involved criticism of the Catholic Church. John Wycliff attacked many Christian beliefs and practices. He maintained that the popes should give up their power and that only the Bible should be a Christian’s authority. John Hus criticised the clergy’s corruption and worldliness and called for reforms within the Catholic Church. Old heresies had to do with not following Christian doctrine, while the new heresies involve attacking the Church’s power. They were both punished harshly by the Church. The Church used the Inquisition to stamp out both types of heresies, but it had attempted to reform in response to the new heresies.
This is important because priestly celibacy is very controversial. Chastity is living holy in the physical or sexual way. This will vary according to lifestyle and does not necessarily mean abstaining from sexual intercourse. The Church calls it’s faithful to lead a chaste life by experiencing sex within a sacramental marriage or by choosing to abstain while in an unmarried state. Deacons and married couples take vows of chastity as well as lay sisters and nuns. Celibacy is the state of abstaining from marriage which entails abstaining from sexual intercourse. This is the state of lifestyle or discipline for religious men and women, as well as those who simply live a single lifestyle. For some Roman Catholic priests, however, there are exceptions. For example, some Lutheran and Episcopal ministers who are married and have converted to Catholicism remain married. Deacons are not required to live this spiritual lifestyle. The religious take vows of celibacy when they are ordained or make their perpetual vows. Any sexual act, including the use of pornography, that violates one's vows or their lifestyle, is considered a sin against chastity or celibacy. Sexual abuse is such a sin. Not only is it a sin in itself, but it also entails other sins against chastity. These sins are lust, fornication, and rape and are in a violation of a priest’s vow of
Why is the Catholic Church so corrupt in its teaching? They have found ways to control the knowledge that their followers contemplate on. The control of knowledge and power is the foundation for every successful religious organization. The Catholic Church have acquired this power through strategic control on the mind of its follower. The Catholic Church propagate their ideals as righteous in order to be accepted; for without this acceptance, they are faced with the task of initiating this power through force. So to beguile their followers, they present themselves in “sheep clothing” (KJV, Matt 7:15). They are accepted as blameless, peaceful, loving and harmless but in actuality, “they are ravening wolves” (KJV, Matt. 7:15).
In 'A Modest Proposal', swift has portrayed the 18th century Ireland as plagued with the problem of overpopulation, unemployment, poverty and the exploitation of the labor class by the bourgeoisie(middle class). The same problem being addressed by Karl Marx in sociological labor theories. The course of actions suggested by Swift J is, however, adverse and sets forth an example of a satirical classic piece of literature viewed and analyzed by many people over the centuries. The theme of the essay is suppression and hence deterioration in the state of the Catholic subjects at the hands of their Protestant Landlords and similar conditions pertaining to 1729 in Ireland. These problems were partly due to the Irish Catholics supporting the
The history of Congregational churches started in sixteenth-seventeenth-centuries in England. According to the book “history of the east congregational church.” The church was founded by a man named Robert Browne. Robert Browne, was considered a crazy person but most of the Congregational ideas came from him. Then the Separatists advanced Browne’s ideas and his beliefs. The Congregationalist church was part of a large and diverse group that tried to reform the Church of England. After King Henry VIII left with the Roman Catholic Church. The roman Catholic Church, kept the forms of Catholicism like the celebration of the Mass, but under the authority of the English king rather than the Pope. The “Congregational way” which the
Chris Nye, in writing for Leadership Journal about Leading the 21st Century Church, opines that the church often [acts] like the Holy Spirit has been on vacation since the book of Acts. His contention is that too often the church pines away for the “church of yesteryear” as if it should return to some glorious period long passed away. This is a concern that impacts the missional, visionary, and forward-looking aspects of the church. Too often the local church shrinks away from the demands to give an answer for the troubling issues that often threaten the status quo. The important understanding for the church today is the need to confront the issues with the Holy Spirit and Scripture as the tools in an arsenal that is called our ministry. Nye eloquently established that Paul had to answer questions about diet, sexual practices, and various philosophies. Luther had to speak against indulgences, among many other things. Scripture is always our foundation.
4. For much of the church’s history, sex within a marriage was only tolerated because it produced children.
We Catholics are good at a lot of things. Helping arre neighbors and the needy. Repenting and dressing up on Sunday. Catholic guilt, wedding and funerals. All these thing Catholic are good at but what they really excel at is misinterpreting the Bible and spreading hate. For generation we have used the Bible to justice pretty un- catholic things: slavery and segregation and even war. The strange things is that if you ask any theologians young or old what the most important message of the bible they will say “love.” If you asked them to pick a second most important message of the bible they would say “ forgiveness.” So the complete opposite of hatred, oppression and Judgment. Which Catholic Church and fallow have committed against the LGBT community.
Machiavelli’s La Mandragola is a satire which focuses on major flaws in the world: the corruption and immorality of the Catholic Church. La Mandragola describes a great, wise, and virtuous woman, Lucrezia, who is turned sour and spoils. Lucrezia is manipulated by men to adhere to their wants and needs and, in the end, she becomes what every husband fears—unfaithful. This is very comparable to the behavior of the Catholic church during the same period; thus, Machiavelli thought to draw a parallel between the two. Many times throughout history and literature the Roman Catholic church has been referred to using feminine pronouns, so it would only make sense for a woman to symbolize the church—Lucrezia. The parallel between Lucrezia and the
The Catholic Church, being nearly 2,000 years old, still follows many of the same rules and guidelines established in the early church. One item that many Catholics are surprised to learn is that the tradition of priests and other clergy members remaining celibate has not always been present in the church. There are many Catholics, in and out of the clergy, who believe that priests should have the ability to get married and raise a family. In fact, priestly celibacy is not a church law, but, as Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone says it is a "positive tradition," and not "untouchable" (France-Pressez). However, some critics of the practice would argue that celibacy is not a positive tradition, and that in fact it is
While dating back to approximately 2000 years ago, Christianity 's influence on the modern world is ever-present. As one of oldest monotheistic religions today, Christianity has a diverse following to accommodate its diverse interpretations and thus denominations. For instance, as Christianity influenced the beliefs of the Roman Church, some followers did not entirely agree with its teachings. This caused a new branch of Christianity to emerge, known largely as Protestantism. As the Roman Church, grew in followers, the teachings taught often singled out certain individuals because of their sexual orientation or their right for equality, which posed a challenge to the religion itself. These challenges were seen as homosexuality and feminism. Homosexuality is a tough subject in the Roman Church because it alludes its followers to believe that God had intended for relationships to be between man and woman not man and man. It leads followers to believe that homosexuality is a sin, and the act alone should not be tolerated. Another challenge that the Roman Church now faces is Feminism. Feminist, fight for the equality between men and women. It believes that women should be ordained as priests like any other males, while also giving light on certain health resources that should be given to women. As homosexuality and feminism, delivered a challenge to the Roman Church, these challenges have also found