
Recounting In The Film 'Every Secret Thing'

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The syuzhet in the first few scenes of Every Secret Thing omits and distorts the events surrounding Olivia’s kidnapping and murder in order to frame Ronnie as a criminal and Alice as an innocent girl. By doing this, the syuzhet creates several suppressed gaps which get filled by the enacted recounting later on. Numerous occurrences at the start of the film establish Alice and Ronnie’s conflicting personalities. At the pool party, Alice tries to fit in with the other girls, albeit unsuccessfully. Meanwhile, Ronnie sits alone, not even bothering to try to befriend the other girls. Ronnie then slaps one girl’s mother, and gets kicked out of the pool party. While walking back home, Ronnie steals baby Olivia. These scenes give a strong first impression …show more content…

Ronnie finally gets a chance to talk to the police and give her side of the story, revealing new details. In another instance of enacted recounting, the events surrounding Olivia’s kidnapping replay in a slightly different way. In Ronnie’s description, Alice does not beg her to return the baby. Instead, Alice urges Ronnie to keep it so they won’t get in trouble for having taken it. Furthermore, Alice goes on to care for the baby more than Ronnie. Alice holds Olivia, refusing to let Ronnie hold her. Then, Alice refers to herself as Olivia’s mother and Ronnie as her father, as if to imply that Ronnie was a less nurturing figure. As the flashback continues, Alice yells at Ronnie to kill the baby, insisting that if they were to return it they would be in too much trouble. Alice goes so far as to threaten Ronnie, saying she’ll blame her for everything if she doesn’t kill the baby. This is a different account of the events than the syuzhet provides in the opening scenes. For the first time, it seems as though Ronnie was not solely responsible for the crime, but rather that Alice forced her into this awful situation. This scene also comes at the exact midpoint of the film’s screen time. The tone of the film sharply changes here as the syuzhet begins to challenge the initial hypotheses, which eventually falls. This bit of enacted recounting …show more content…

This state of confusion ends definitively with the final scenes of the film, when the syuzhet reveals the true fabula in a final set of flashbacks. While killing herself in a bathtub, Ronnie has her final flashback. This flashback shows Olivia’s death for the first time. The syuzhet reveals that Olivia was not directly murdered by Ronnie, but rather died from a simple lack of care. This flashback again shows Alice bullying and threatening Ronnie. The final shot of the film reveals the truth of Olivia’s kidnapping definitively. In this shot, Alice as a child stands in place of Ronnie, looking down at Olivia before stealing her. This confirms that Alice stole Olivia, not Ronnie. This shot is not a flashback from a specific character in the film, but rather it is the syuzhet giving a direct look at the true fabula event. Since this shot is not being recounted by any character, it is safe to trust, since no bias could possibly exist. This last shot finalizes the reversal of the expectations set up in the first half of the film. Ronnie was the more normal girl, pushed into cooperating with a bully due to a drastic set of

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