
Reconstruction Process Of Reconstruction

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After the Civil War, the South was in ruins and America was on the road to Reconstruction. America was now faced with the challenges of overcoming Southern resentment, restoring the Union, and determining the meaning of black freedom. The process of reconstruction would be complicated and complex and would involve readmitting the Southern states that had seceded from the Union; physically reconstructing the South; and integrating the freedmen into America’s society. Various plans for Reconstruction were involved: Lincoln’s ten percent plan, the Wade-Davis Bill, Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan, and the Congressional Reconstruction Plan. Although the blacks gained their freedom after the war, their lives did not change drastically. The Reconstruction Era had brought upon change to the southern states as freedmen were able to work for themselves and had the ability to have their own families, but that does not mean that they were equal to the whites. The Thirteenth Amendment that was passed under Lincoln’s presidency formally abolished slavery and involuntary servitude but when his presidency was passed on to Andrew Johnson, the freedmen did not have as many rights. He did not pay any mind to the newly freed blacks in the South and in turn, the Southern states were able to pass the “black codes” which restricted the freedmen’s rights. This placed the blacks under a strict law and although they were not slaves anymore, they were living in fear. It wasn’t until the radical

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