
Reconstruction Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The period from 1865 to 1877, commonly referred to as Reconstruction, saw a culmination of effects from the Civil War. During this time, America saw the freedom of slaves, blacks in office, and voting rights for all men regardless of color. However, Reconstruction was not perfect. During Andrew Johnson’s presidency, many conflicts arose between the viewpoints of Congress and Johnson regarding Reconstruction and the future of ex-slaves. Johnson’s views represented most of the democratic South’s, while the views of Congress represented the North. Economically, throughout Reconstruction, ex-slaves were essentially returned to slavery in the form of economic slavery. Politically, the debate of black’s rights persisted in the Government. Socially, …show more content…

Johnson’s economic plan for the South involved black codes and sharecropping. These policies had devastating economic effects upon the black population of the South. Freemen were essentially held in economic slavery with sharecropping and labor laws. The labor laws stated that blacks couldn’t leave their employer, and that blacks should work up ten hour days during the summer. (Doc 3) The Radical Republicans in Congress agreed that the South had gone back to its ways before the Civil War. Not only were freedmen trapped in a cycle of economic slavery, but they were sold as slaves as well. The freedmen were not really free, and therefore did not obtain the economic opportunities the Civil War was supposed to grant them. (Doc 4) The purpose of Doc 4 was to show that freedmen are not really free because they are trapped in an endless cycle of debt, and because of this, the planter class continued to hold power. This, along with the fact that ex-slaves were unable to any economic opportunity, placed Congress and Johnson in economic …show more content…

Black codes were passed to restrict the freedom of blacks and make them work in a labor based economy. Thaddeus Stevens, leader of the Radical Republicans, stated that blacks should be treated equally because they fought along with whites and payed the same taxes as whites. Stevens grew up poor and with a disability. His unique point of view supports the fact that he wants blacks to have the same opportunities that he was able to achieve, even though he grew up poor. Stevens wanted the 14th and 15th amendments passed because they would allow blacks to come closer to social equality with whites. (Doc 7) However, Johnson’s views were completely different from Stevens’, whose views represented most of the Republican Congress. Johnson supported subordinating and restricting blacks with black codes, which stated that blacks with no employment would be arrested. (Doc 2) With these black codes in place, it was clear blacks would never be equal to whites. This created further social turmoil between Congress and John’s conflicting viewpoints. The intended audience of Doc 2 can not only be seen as vagrant blacks, but also blacks who want to escape the slavery of sharecropping. This is shown by the extensive detail the law goes into and the punishments the law has for unemployed blacks, such as a large fine and

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