
Recklessness In The Great Gatsby Essay

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Celebrities have gone from partying in their private lives to social media and cameras. Songs in today's society contain lyrics about drugs, alcohol and other explicit content. One celebrity who has displayed true recklessness is Miley Cyrus who has made music involving explicit content, including nudity. Her reckless has affected many people around her as she has portrayed extreme image and false hope for adolescents. Like Miley Cyrus, in Scott F. Fitzgerald novel The Great Gatsby, Tom Buchanan is a man who is extremely reckless. Tom is truly the only reason for his reckless behaviour which has pushed everyone that is close to him away. First, Tom Buchanan is a man with many flaws which is a result for his behaviour. Secondly, despite all …show more content…

Tom is explaining to everyone that’s in the room who is aware of what kind of person that Tom is, that he understands the type of person he is and he does sleep with other women and enjoys partying to an extent. He is trying to tell Daisy that deep down inside Daisy is the one that he loves and he will always return to her. Ultimately, Tom Buchanan will continue to be a reckless person as long as he continues to hurt others. Secondly, Tom Buchanan continues his streak of recklessness because Tom is someone who enjoy’s to flaunt his wealth and success. Mid day at the Buchanan residence, Tom is showing Nick his mansion, while showing Nick the mansion he brings hi through all the trophies and awards that Tom had won while playing football. You can tell that this confidence is starting to go to Tom's head as he enjoys flaunting his power and accomplishments. “Among various physical accomplishment, he had been one of the most powerful ends that ever played football at New Haven - a national figure in a way, one of those men who reach such acute limited excellence at twenty-one that everything afterward savors of anticlimax”. Nick explains that Tom was an extremely great athlete especially in football. He demonstrates that after walking through the Buchanan residence you can clearly find that Tom was the athlete that he portrays to be as there are many medals, trophies, etc. By Tom having all these trophies out in the open you can clearly tell that Tom

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