
Rebellion In Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis

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The author Marjane Satrapi uses her younger self to talk about the conditions in Iran during the Iran revolution and Iran-Iraq War in her novel. Throughout the graphic memoir, Persepolis, Satrapi depicts rebellion as a major sub-topic. Satrapi implements the thematic idea that rebellions may occur if the government alters the natural rights of citizens to show the change coming upon them. Satrapi displays this thematic idea through comparative panels, graphic weight, and speech bubbles. The new repressive laws intertwine with the lifestyle which people are accustomed to and the crowds counter with protests which are violent. Women in these new conditions are unequal with men and are insulted and treated with no respect. The diversity of issues …show more content…

Panels four and five on page 74 state that Marji’s mother is insulted harshly for the clothes that she is wearing and for not wearing the veil. The color of the background is also deviated so that Marji is the only thing that is sketched in white. Taji is wearing a shirt and pants which are viewed as fallacious therefore they are drawn in black. Marji is wearing a skirt and t-shirt which are drawn in a white shade because the author wants us to know that the views of the government are wrong. Furthermore, Satrapi adds on to the black background by saying “They [fundamentalists] said that women like me should be pushed up against a wall and f*****. And then thrown in the garbage” (74). Satrapi added this information to show the negativity the people face which directs them toward protesting and fighting for what they believe in. Many situations such as this one is what leads to violence. Panel six on page 18 vivifies the protestors by forging them to be white which means their actions of revolt against the Shah is the right thing to do. This proves that Satrapi wants to inform us that although violence is not the answer, protesting in what you believe in, especially when you are threatened is morally

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