I am currently involved with the Rebel Events Board (REB) and I chose to join this group because I had prior event planning experience while I was on student government in my high school. I take pride and enjoyment into the groups that I am committed to, but I do notice that this group lacks in certain aspects and abilities towards being a well-established group. Based on the group emotional norms box from chapter 8 (Johnson), I notice a big lack of interpersonal understanding. The areas that are lacking within the interpersonal understanding norms, I notice the group leaders could improve on incorporating more time towards getting to know all the members well. Sometimes the group just dives into discussions or announcements without really
In MLK’s letter from the Birmingham Jail, he stated that ‘Every day I meet young people whose disappointment with the church has turned into outright disgust.’ With MLK including religion into his letters, he talked a bunch about the church and religion. He said in his letter that he met people that did not like the way the church was dealing with things, which made them angry. MLK included religion in his letters since that would attract more people to follow him to find the voice of the church, considering most of citizens were Christian.
Wheelan (2013) provides many good examples of what to do in certain circumstances that deal with safety and inclusion, conflict resolution, identifying roles and responsibilities, and fostering esprit de corps during group development. In addition, she identifies the positive traits that should be displayed by both team members and team leaders alike such as involving other members in the leadership of the group and actively participating in achieving objectives.
Whether groups are formed for social or task oriented purposes, the ability to produce and maintain a sense of affiliation, peer support and collaboration is important for overall group functioning. The cohesion of a social group is produced through the establishment of a set of group norms, which are later defined as a guide for conduct accepted within a group of individuals. However, in order for a group to perform and produce results, the team leader should guide his/her team through the proper stages of group development, which includes the following steps: forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Although teams should follow all these stages of group development, the forming and the norming stages are the most important,
There are many problems that hinder good group dynamics. We don’t usually have the luxury of picking who we are going to work with on a team; dealing with different personalities and personal agendas are common challenges in working within a team. Other commons challenges like, poor leadership, bad communications, and lack of focus can be helped or eliminated by establishing team roles.
The theoretical framework was somewhat dictatorship on today; I learned that the tone that the facilitator sets for the majority of the session is how the session runs. This is actually how I figured the sessions would be run, but to be aware that always expect the unexpected at any time. You must also be ready to adjust to whatever it is happening at that particular moment. This particular session appears to be more somber with quite a bit of silence and skepticism. Why this climate I asked myself? I really don’t know. I would suggest to the facilitator to have some kind of activity that she uses as an icebreaker. This would help get the communication going between the members. A specific skill that I have that would hinder me as an effective group leader is my ability to shut down once I got ticked off. This skill is useful in other settings to cool down situations.
I attended Rebel Run on September 12, 2015. Rebel Run is an Ole Miss tradition where freshmen run across the football in support of the University. Rebel Run has always been on my attendance of Ole Miss bucket list.
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, a dark tale of sin and redemption,centers around the small Puritan community of Boston during the 17th century. In the midst of this small community is Hester Prynne. She is a woman that has defied the Puritans, taken the consequences and in the end conformed with the Puritans. It did,
Our fist discussion was regarding the video “Planning a Playground”. The group in this video was discussing planning for a playground, what it would cost to put it up and how they could raise the money. I liked how this group communicated effectively an overall worked together. I picked up on some nervousness but that was mainly because they were meeting for the first time. The only issue that I could see off top was at some points some of the members would cut off the member that was speaking. I don’t feel that it was intentional or malicious but to communicate effectively you need to let others speak until their done so that you completely understand what is being said. In most cases this is how things are misunderstood because you only take from the part you hear or stopped them from saying. I identified constructive conflict occurring in this group. Constructive conflict is when behaviors help to build relationships, when you are able to manage your emotions and accept and resolve responses. It’s when you have task-completion,
Quality education for children has been an ongoing issue for today's society. There has also been an increasing concern for the education of students with special needs. The effect of these concerns has been noted in many communities, such as the Native American community. The population of special education students in the Native American communities is not necessarily higher than others, however, their community is effected, therefore also in need of quality special education programs. The need for quality special education is strongly felt by the women and girls within the Native American culture because of the pressures of their cultures and societies.
With this feedback it is quite clear that most students don't like these assemblies. And while I don't think they should be disbanded I do believe that the staff in charge of them should spice them up. The first assembly I attended was to discourage gossip. It was set up like the Jerry Springer show. I'm not going to lie it was more interesting than most but i still didn't really like it. The actors and actresses (some but not all) didn't do the best reading their l lines and it seemed as if they were picked out of the audience 20 minutes before. The rest of the assemblies were gradually getting
Group member cohesiveness was absent from the group meeting for several reasons, but the primary reasons were due to the fact that the group members did not have a common description of value or structure to the discussion. Each member viewed their own area of involvement within the organization as being more valuable than any other area, and it was this exclusion of other valuable traits that lead the group to begin to clash in such a
Chris McCandless, the subject of Jon Krakauer in Into the Wild, was not insensible or ill-equipped, but rather he was going out into the wild to locate the genuine importance of life and to perceive what it resembled to live out in the wild all alone. Chris was an incredible good example for children the whole way across the nation; since he was attempting to experience his fantasy and do what he believed was appropriate in the wild and would not tune in to what anybody instructed him to do. Chris McCandless was an adoring and minding individual who esteemed for all creation and needed to make tracks in an opposite direction from the general public and live allowed to locate the significance of life.
My feelings about the group process was a little mix at first but, at the end I felt like we actually brought it together. Beginning of the group member were all over the place and had no direction, when we were able to take a breather in just think ideas started to flow. I felt like that took the communicator to make it happen. By reinsuring the other group members that everything will go smoothly if we just don’t overthink everything.
Tuckman proposes that groups develop via five stages; forming, storming, norming, performing and finally adjourning (Archee, Gurney, & Mohan, 2013a). The first stage, known as forming, involves clarifying the task and purpose of the group, and identifying boundaries of both the task and interpersonal behaviour (Archee et al., 2013a). For the presentation task we were randomly allocated into groups. This worried me greatly as I have struggled in the past with group members who do not contribute equally or see the task as important as other group members. To avoid this problem, the group collectively determined and agreed upon a number of ground rules. For example, we decided that all group members were expected to contribute equally to the presentation, all group members were expected to attend and contribute at all group meetings, and all group members would adhere to agreed upon deadlines. Having failed to do this in previous group assignments, this clarification stage
When doing so the other group members were active listener, by using their whole body verbally and nonverbal. Like facing the speaker and giving eye contact and try to avoided interruption. The group also acknowledges the thoughts of the speaker by giving constructive feed back. Due to the effectiveness of the group communication, we were able to build trust, respect and understand the issues and make decision for effective change. We illustrate this by coming together as a group one again to accomplish the goal we initially wanted to accomplish. Since the first organization that we had chosen was incorrect, so we had to make the necessary changes to accomplish our goals. The other effective feature is the purpose of the group. Kozier et al (2010) stated that the effective group purpose is when “goal, task, and outcomes are clarified. Understanding and modified so that members of the group can commit themselves to purposes through cooperation” (p.401). For instance, each individual was assign a task and knew what was to be accomplished. As group we all decided to meet at suitable day and time which was beneficial to all team members, because we could commit to the group and focus on what needed to be achieved.