
Reasons Why Students Should Get Paid To Get Good Grades

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Students should get paid to study, to have good grades, and to have good work habits so that they become better students, more motivated and therefore are more successful when they enter the workforce as adults. Many people believe this is the formula for success. Get paid for the good grade, right? There are three compelling reasons why students should be paid to go to school: going to school is essentially a full time job so students should be paid; money is a strong motivator, especially for kids; and it’s good for the economy to have future workers who are motivated by money to do an excellent job. After discussing these three points, it will be hard to dispute the fact that paying students to go to school and get good grades is a good thing and has positive results. …show more content…

Students are in the classroom over 7 hours a day every day of the week, plus time outside of school studying for tests and completing homework. That’s a lot of time to devote to education. Some kids are willing to do it, but other kids waste their time playing video games or watching tv or getting into trouble. Those kids would probably be more motivated to dedicate more time to their studies if they were getting paid. According to, about 65% of those who were surveyed believe that students should get paid. In a classroom survey taken at Rocky Heights Middle School in Littleton, CO, 59% of those surveyed think students should get paid. The graph below shows the distribution of the votes. Those are some very strong statistics! On the flip side, should students who don't maintain a good grade point average (GPA) or don't study receive some sort of a punishment? Absolutely. The punishment would be that they wouldn’t get

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