
Fall Of Rome Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

What Were The Primary Reasons For The Fall Of Rome? Rome was filled with success and failure, corruption and power, and many other things that led to the fall of the empire. Rome started in 750 BCE - they were the richest and most powerful empire very soon after. Rome grew very large very quickly with “the thrust of a spear and the slash of a sword.” Some may say that natural disasters were the main reason for the fall of Rome, but I disagree. I believe that it was political corruption and military mistakes that made the all mighty Rome come to a fall. The military made many mistakes. They were lazy and they did not fight very well. Many of the battles were lost which greatly contributed to Rome coming to a halt. The government in Rome was very corrupt. They were self-centered and only cared about their own problems. They had no knowledge of what was going on around them, which made it easy for invaders to attack. …show more content…

“Before the year 400 CE foot soldiers wore breastplates and helmets. But when, because of negligence and laziness, parade ground drills were abandoned.” This quote came from Document B in the DBQ packet. The Roman army did not train or wear armor so more often than not, they got killed. Not wearing armor was one of the many mistakes that the military made. Also the army was defenseless without being able to train for battle. Another piece from Document B, “Although there were many disasters, which led to the loss of great cities, no one tried to restore breastplates and helmets to the infantry. Thus it happens that troops in battle, exposed to wounds because they have no armor, think about running and not about fighting.” The Romans were unprotected. They were not focused on fighting, but instead, they were focused on running away. They were too

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