
Reasons For Andrew Jackson Dbq

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It is clear from the documents that Andrew Jackson acted like a king. Document 6 showed that Jackson gave jobs to his friends. Andrew Jackson appointed a criminal named Samuel Swartwout who went on to steal over $1 million from the US government. Andrew Jackson chose Swartwout because they were friends and Andrew Jackson gave jobs to his friends. Vice President Van Buren tried to tell Jackson that Swartwout was a criminal and that he was up to something but Andrew Jackson did not listen because he did not believe that he would do anything bad because they were friends. Another reason that Jackson acted like a king was in document 4 when he had a picture painted of him it says King andrew The First and he is standing on a ripped up version of the constitution . In social studies class, Mr. Moore taught us that Andrew Jackson acted like a king when the trail of tears happen and when he chose Swartwout the job of the tax collector but when he …show more content…

Where did you get this information? Cite it or come up with a different idea. Jackson had also said that everybody has the right to a government job and not just rich white mails. Fix your grammar here. Where did you get this information? Cite it or come up with a different idea. Even though he said this he still gave jobs to his rich friends. Even though document 5 stated that all men are created equal, he still kicked the cherokee out of their home lands which is not equal. In conclusion this is why it is clear that Andrew Jackson acted like a king. One reason Andrew jackson was the hero of comman man is that in document 5 it is saying that he decided that the rich had to much power and had to many government jobs he decided that everyone has the right to a government job but he still gave jobs to his

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