
Realism : Reality And Dualism

Good Essays

Teena Lin
PHI 1500
Fall 2017
Final Paper

Reality is Dualism

There are currently four major theories about the nature of reality and substance— materialism/physicalism, idealism, transcendental idealism, and dualism. Materialism is the theory that there is only the physical and material world. Idealism takes the position that reality is made up of ideas and immaterial. Transcendental idealism holds the idea that our experience of things are shaped by how they appear to us and not by what they are in and of themselves. Both materialism and idealism are forms of monism. Monism is the belief that reality is only made up of one “substance,” either material or mental. Dualism, on the other hand, suggests that there is both the mental world …show more content…

One of the arguments for dualism originates in Plato’s Phaedo. In Phaedo, Plato splits the body and soul into two separate entities and argues that the soul is immortal. He suggests that the soul only lives in the body and can exist without the body. In the Cyclical Argument, or Opposites Argument, Socrates claims that forms are eternal and unchanging, and as the body is mortal and is subject to physical death, the soul must be its indestructible opposite. In the Theory of Recollection, Socrates explains that we posses non-empirical knowledge at birth, implying that the soul must have existed before birth to carry that knowledge. In the Affinity Argument, Socrates explains that invisible, immortal, and incorporeal things are different from visible, mortal, and corporeal things so while our bodies die and decay, our soul will continue to live on. In the Argument from Form of Life, Socrates further proves that the soul is immortal as it is the cause of life. He sees death as simply “the release of the soul from the body.” (need to reword more)

Another argument can be found in René Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy. The Argument from Indivisibility convinces that the mind and the body are separate from one another. “There is a great difference between a mind and a body, because the body, by its very nature, is something divisible, whereas the mind is plainly indivisible.. insofar as I am only a thing that thinks, I cannot distinguish any parts in

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