
Real-Time Analysis

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Solution to the Problem An innovative solution to combat this issue is to have real-time monitoring for athletes deemed high risk. This may be done by creating a synthetic shirt, which is currently worn by many athletes during activity already, that has three EKG leads and a telemetry unit built in the material. It would be imperative to have the leads, wires, and telemetry streamlined to reduce bulkiness, especially since the device would be worn under pads in sports like football and hockey. A second step would be to develop a smart phone application that can wirelessly monitor each player’s cardiac rhythm by a trained sideline medical professional. This application would have real-time analysis monitoring for a concerning rhythm that …show more content…

Historically, when SCA does occur, the most successful outcomes happen when there is early implementation of defibrillation attempts and advanced cardiac life support, including advanced airways, cardiac stimulating medications, and post-cardiac arrest hypothermia protocols (Piper & Stainsby, 2013). In other words, there is only a short window of opportunity to initiate life saving measures before irreversible damage occurs to the cardiac muscle.
Additionally, having the telemedicine option provides immediate medical consultation in areas where resources are limited. Often, best practice methods take time to be adopted due to skepticism of the change, with rural areas traditionally lagging the most. The telemedicine provider can be trained based on the latest research, essentially bringing the top experts to the scene of the event. The biggest disadvantage would be the large monetary costs of the start-up. Research and development of the EKG shirt and of the smart phone application, distribution of the product, hiring telemedicine providers, and implementing an effective marketing campaign are some of the obvious major costs. One could argue that the relatively low estimated incidence rate would not justify the overall monetary cost. Unfortunately, the costs would project past the

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