Solution to the Problem An innovative solution to combat this issue is to have real-time monitoring for athletes deemed high risk. This may be done by creating a synthetic shirt, which is currently worn by many athletes during activity already, that has three EKG leads and a telemetry unit built in the material. It would be imperative to have the leads, wires, and telemetry streamlined to reduce bulkiness, especially since the device would be worn under pads in sports like football and hockey. A second step would be to develop a smart phone application that can wirelessly monitor each player’s cardiac rhythm by a trained sideline medical professional. This application would have real-time analysis monitoring for a concerning rhythm that …show more content…
Historically, when SCA does occur, the most successful outcomes happen when there is early implementation of defibrillation attempts and advanced cardiac life support, including advanced airways, cardiac stimulating medications, and post-cardiac arrest hypothermia protocols (Piper & Stainsby, 2013). In other words, there is only a short window of opportunity to initiate life saving measures before irreversible damage occurs to the cardiac muscle.
Additionally, having the telemedicine option provides immediate medical consultation in areas where resources are limited. Often, best practice methods take time to be adopted due to skepticism of the change, with rural areas traditionally lagging the most. The telemedicine provider can be trained based on the latest research, essentially bringing the top experts to the scene of the event. The biggest disadvantage would be the large monetary costs of the start-up. Research and development of the EKG shirt and of the smart phone application, distribution of the product, hiring telemedicine providers, and implementing an effective marketing campaign are some of the obvious major costs. One could argue that the relatively low estimated incidence rate would not justify the overall monetary cost. Unfortunately, the costs would project past the
How many people workout with or without a personal trainer and don’t get as much results? May be one simple thing an athlete can add to workout routine makes the process more effective, easier, and safer. Many Athletes are committed to workout or do certain type of exercise without measuring the heart rate, which sadly and unfortunately cause them not to reach the desired goal; however, Polar Ft60 would be the best, and most efficient heart rate monitor to equip at the gym.
The Telehealth services will include the use of technology to deliver telemedicine. The budget will fund the hospital with videoconferencing software, computers, webcams, and trained employees to set up and document the process. The equipment will allow physicians or patients to consult virtually with other physicians and specialists. Instead of missing a day of work or school and commuting hours for an appointment with a specialist, patients will be able to visit their local hospital and consult with the specialist via technology. Consultations, examinations, and monitoring are services that can easily be provided through
Telemedicine has provided better access to health care to many individuals that would otherwise not be able to get required health care services. Telehealth is a means to improve access to care, while reducing costs of transportation and increasing accessibility to patients in obtaining care. Telemedicine allows for healthcare information to be shared with treatment team members that are separated miles from each other with the ability to communicate in a timely manner. For information technology to impact care, one has to be knowledgeable about the use of technology
If you were an avid sports player growing up; you have presumptuously dreamt about becoming a professional athlete. Living in that big house, playing in front of thousands and potentially millions, and earning that big salary not only for you, but everyone who helped you along the journey. Stephen Curry, a point guard for the Golden State Warriors has just attained a salary of $34,382,550. What the Golden State Warriors are paying Steph Curry may seem like an insurmountable sum of money, but what they pay him is returned in some form or another. Whether it be through ticket sales to see him play, jersey purchases, or just straight up publicity, Steph Curry earns that salary. According to, Curry’s net worth is $60,000,000, the
Throughout history many living figures have helped shaped each religion the way it is viewed
In some specialties, particularly in mental health and ICU care, telemedicine delivers a superior product, with greater outcomes and patient satisfaction. Consumers want telemedicine. The greatest impact of telemedicine is on the patient, their family and their community. Using telemedicine technologies reduces travel time and related stresses for the patient.
In the books The Big Sleep and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, both authors, Raymond Chandler (The Big Sleep) and Simon Armitage (Sir Gawain and the Green Knight), create the protagonist of each story into archetypal knights. The protagonist of The Big Sleep is named Phillip Marlowe and in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the protagonist is named Sir Gawain. The 3 knightly qualities that we will be focusing on in this essay are self-sacrifice, loyalty and courage. These qualities are displayed throughout each story in different and similar ways throughout each book.
Telemedicine is a vast subject, but as yet there are limited data on the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of most telemedicine applications. As a result, objective information about the benefits and drawbacks of telemedicine is limited. This write up is therefore based mainly on my review opinion referencing the case: “a Telemedicine opportunity of distraction? “of Harvard business. Many potential opportunities of telemedicine including, but not limited to: improved access to information; provision of care not previously deliverable; improved access to services and increasing care delivery; improved professional education; quality control of screening programs; and reduced health-care costs. Although telemedicine clearly has a wide range of potential benefits, it also has some disadvantages. The main ones that can be envisaged are: a breakdown in the relationship between health professional and patient; a breakdown in the relationship between health professionals; issues concerning the quality of health information; and organizational and bureaucratic difficulties. On balance, the benefits of telemedicine are substantial, assuming that more research will reduce or
Another benefit of telemedicine would be cost efficiencies. One of the main reasons why adopting and funding telehealth technologies/equipment was so important was to reduce and contain the cost of healthcare. Increased efficiency of improved management on chronic diseases, reduced travel times, shorter or fewer hospital stays, and shared health professional staffing has proven that telemedicine has reduced the cost of healthcare (americantelemed, 2012).
When using Telemedicine humans can accomplish many great things and can benefit everyone. The potential this innovation has could be really great if they succeed on making it right. If this Innovation worked many lives will be saved across the world. As well as lives we might be able to learn new things from this and find more cures. According to professionals at the medical field telemedicine has been approving for the past couple years and as potential to keep going. Not only is this innovation good at saving lives it is also helping the economy by getting rid of competition. Even though some people see competition in the economy a good thing but it also has its downs that can really help some
A huge leap forward in this tech though is what Healthstats has been working on. Healthstats has created a new blood pressure watch which uses a newly devised algorithm to record blood pressure. The way it works is you sync the watch to their blood pressure machine. You take a couple blood pressure readings with a normal cuff and the data syncs to the watch. What happens next is pretty amazing, the watch now uses the shape of the pressure waves that run to the wrists and determines your blood pressure. This technology seamlessly syncs with the other functions of the watch prior and still can run off a 5 day battery life.
Often the biggest barriers to accessing healthcare are cost and location. Lower income individuals just do not have the resources to have optimal healthcare, or cannot take the time away from employment to deal with health issues. One potential solution to help with these problems could be “telehealth.” Telehealth allows a lower level healthcare practitioner to communicate with a physician or specialists when necessary. Remote rural areas use a Physician Assistant or a Nurse Practitioner on location in remote areas.
Disadvantages: Elderly may not know how to use computer and the devices, thus Telehealth is useless to them. They still need to
There are several forms of technology that is used to monitor, assist patients with self-care management, assist physicians with delivering care to their patients, including consultation with specialist, and overcoming barriers with transportation. “60% of the healthcare executives, physicians, and nurses in this inaugural survey said that telemedicine was a high priority for 2015“ (Vockley, 2015, para. 7) Telemedicine
Telemedicine is the use telecommunications and information technology to provide healthcare to patients located in the remote or distant locations. For example: people staying in the mountainous areas or islands can get medical services right at their home with the help of smart devices or patients who cannot go to the hospital for some reason.