The popular magazine that I chose to analyze was Real Simple because it is a magazine that I am fairly familiar with. Real Simple reaches an audience of about 8 million people who are interested in new and creative ways to spice up their lives. Their mission statement is “The Empowered Woman’s Guide to a beautiful and dynamic life,” which is exactly what is gives its consumers. Out of all 7.8 million readers, the median age of the reader is 48, with majority percentage being between 25-54. Other important demographics reflect the over 50 percent of its readers are college educated, employed, and married. Over 40 percent are in a professional/managerial position and have kids. About 57% of Real Simple’s consumers are considered trusted and
Mission Statement: To decrease homelessness and increase “legitimate” affordable housing through Tiny Homes. The goal for this community need assessment is to support tiny house residents who seek stability and affordable housing as part of a self-starting lifestyle that can be manageable and maintained. The purpose of the tiny houses is helping homelessness decrease in the community, providing an alternative approach to housing homeless. There has been a shortage of low-income housing and finding housing for homeless has been an issue for many years now. More than 3.5 million people experience homelessness and poverty in the United States each year, according to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty.
Anita Satterlee defines a missions statement as follows: “A mission statement is like an introductory paragraph: it lets the reader know where the writer is going” (Satterlee, 2013).
When looking at community policing today we see many programs that the citizens are involved in that are helping the residents to “become more involved with their police department and local government” (Dempsey & Forst, 2016 p. 373). Some examples of the programs are the Neighbourhood Watch, CERT, DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), GREAT (Gang Resistance Education and Training, PAL (Police Athletic League) and Youth programs. CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Teams. “The CERT concept was initially developed and implemented by the Los Angeles City Fire Department in 1985” (Greenberg, 2003).
Mission Statement – A Mission statement is in general an action statement which is usually short ,simple and direct, capturing the essence of what your business or organization wants to accomplish and how. It is a declaration of an organization’s core purpose answering the question, “why do we exist?” and specific enough that employees & public will know, “this is what we do”, “what to expect from us” moreover “how we may differ from our competitors”.
Donald Trump has been a household brand since the 80s. Yet mentioning the name would only solicit indifference from most people up until a few years ago. Everyone knew some vague details of his life story – a brusque business tycoon without many selfless concerns – but few were particularly interested. After all, successful (and perhaps egomaniacal) capitalists are a dime a dozen, so why would anyone have any reason to pay particular attention to the man with the trademark toupé and the crudely-branded skyscraper.
“I’m in love with all these shoes and clothing!” I thought to myself as I first walked into Finish Line. When I stumbled upon Finish Line I knew this was the right store for me. I’m an 8th grader at Silver Hills Middle School. This company is honestly important to myself and others that I know of. I love exercising and especially if I’m working out in the right clothes. There are clothes and shoes from Finish Line that my family has bought and liked throughout our family history. To this day, my family and myself have been shopping at Finish Line if we ever need anything comfortable to wear. Finish Line is able to sell 24 types of clothing and shoes and that’s what I love. I know people speak greatly about your company and how it is useful to them. I also love how the workers are helpful and always persuade the customers to buy their items. But are you getting enough customers?
It sounds like you love what you do very much. Your organization sounds like it is very important to the community. A mission statement allows employees as well as customers to understand the intent of the organization. Your mission statement does exactly that.
In the final weeks of your pregnancy, your baby usually moves into a head-down (vertex) position to get ready for birth. As a normal delivery proceeds through the stages of labor, the baby tucks in the chin and turns to face your back. In this position, the back of your baby's head starts to show (crown) first. Sometimes your baby may be in a different, abnormal position just before birth. These positions are called malpositions or malpresentations. Giving birth can be more difficult if your baby is in an abnormal position.
The “Best One” hotel franchise is due for evaluation statewide. The hotel is a three-star hotel that is known for its convenience and comfort. The mission statement of “Best One” describes its intentions. Mission Statement: We want you to feel at home because there is no place like home but the “BEST ONE” we are family. However, during the evaluation it was discovered that the “Best One” hotels had several complaints. The complaints stem from the front desk of customers having negative experiences, periods of long waiting time, in correct billing charges, possibly credit card identity theft, improper prepared bills, and rude service. Because the discrepancies found within the evaluation do not reflect the mission statement of the company,
New Age Marketing Regardless of what type of business is opened, almost all successful businesses complete standard tasks. These tasks include a well written business plan, a thought out chain of command, a mission statement, a vision statement, and a list of values. My company, New Age Marketing will be no different in its creation. There are many different types of marketing companies in the marketplace, but they do not all fulfill the same role.
I seek to educate individuals through my unique perspective in art concerning stereotypes within society, particularly the stereotypes associated with women of African American descent.
Amelia had one wish and that was to take care of the world. Make-a-wish made it happened, it made a little girl suffering from brain cancer make a difference to make a positive impact on the world. There are many problems in the world, but also there are many great thing as well and some kids aren’t fortunate enough to have a chance to live through them and this is where a problem arises, and this is shows the problems, the ethics, the way we can solve it, and why we should do it. Children who are experiencing life threatening illnesses that don’t have the opportunity and the luxury of an ordinary lives and the experiences that come along with it. You may find that this is an issue that doesn’t apply to you and why should you care, but if your child is enduring a life threatening illness wouldn’t you like to see their one wish in the get accomplished.
I need to learn to be a better and more fluent writer and I believe Composition 1 will teach me that. I am very bad with words and have a hard time getting my point across in any conversation/essay and that is not a good thing when applying for scholarships. ‘Which college will you be going to?’ you might ask me after reading this mission statement, and I can honestly say that I have absolutely no clue. Knowing that makes applying for scholarships even more critical due to the fact that I could be enrolling in a school that costs upwards of $30,000 each year or one with a tuition cost of only a couple grand per year. It is crucial that I buff, polish, and shine my writing up to its highest potential while enrolled in this class because my financial
Mission Statement: As an educator I will provide for students the opportunity to make a positive difference in their lives to help them accomplish unexpected goals. I will enhance learning to support my students in achieving their highest potential by integrating technology into the curriculum. I will integrate conceptual technology learning techniques that will implement concrete knowledge of technology that will emphasize mastery of understanding. Through committed support from educators, faculty, staff, parents, and the community, I will advance learning to support my students. This will allow students to become confident, creative, motivated, technology-ready students. I will provide leadership to
I see myself progressing in my field as well as in my education. I find my education challenging and motivating. I can see many challenges ahead and therefore I am willing to invest my time learning all the skills and knowledge of my field towards professional advancement. I hoped to be offered in a management role in 5 years, looking to move on to greater things. I'm prepared to learned new things and contribute to the overall success of the organization in a number of ways. The only specific ''plan of willingness'' is that the opportunity be within my ability to learn, interesting enough for me to dig and do a good job, and the compensation increase a reasonable amount in relation to the demands of the