
Reading The Lorax

Decent Essays

I may have not realised it but March 5, 2002 was the hardest day, even if I have no recollection of it. When you're 2 years old you don't recall much but snippets , like being given 2 small goldfish. Which is my only real memory of my father. Now for a while my aunt moved in after that day, I thought that was normal. Until I about was 5. I noticed many children getting picked up from daycare by their fathers. When I finally asked my mother where my father was she gave me a somber look and remained silent. Which was the response I’d constantly get she always had a difficult time communicating about him with me. It was hard- really hard. Especially when I learned the truth, about three years later.

My mom just teared up and briefly said “He’s in a better place”. With my wide eyed young mind it took me a little to process the information, why hadn't she told me this sooner? Why couldn't she just come out with this from …show more content…

Seuss fan. Reading “The Lorax” I fell in love with the message, which is where the love for the word “Unless” came. The 6 letter word means a lot , it stand for something I believe in so strong. Activism. I became vegetarian at 16, I'm a strong believer in protecting the environment as well as animals. I saw the impact one can make from being vegetarian and decided to slowly transition to veganism. I thought by going a bit further I could make a bigger impact. Although I Didn't realise how challenging that would be I still tried to persevere. Trying to find alternatives for things I love , eating out or even cooking was impossible. But the worst would have to be the critiques from the world. Constantly being bombarded with questions by strangers , friends or even family was horrendous. I’d be asked if it was an eating disorder , as if I only ate or grass. But most commonly I was told I wasn't making a difference. People would ask why I became vegan just to tear me down. Yet I continued to spread my message just

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