
Reading The Book ' Night '

Good Essays

After reading the book “Night” I wanted to know why people try to put others down to make them feel better about themselves. I’m writing this paper because I don’t like that people are stereotypical and racist. This topic doesn’t really interest me, it just makes me curious as to why people are like this. Did something happen to them to make them hate on others? Are they just like that? Reading about the holocaust and how they were treated really made me want to why people treat others like that. In “Night” all the prisoners are treated as if they aren’t human, they’re treated like animals and I don’t know why the officers try to dehumanize them for their race but it is really sad. The prisoners had to run miles after not eating for …show more content…

I don’t get why it makes people feel good by putting others down. In all honesty that makes me feel horrible, I feel like such a bad person when I hurt someone. If these people had feelings and felt emotions how could they do that to others? Some people had to kill friends and family in the camp. How would someone be able to do that? I would die than have to kill my friends or family. I can’t even come close to feeling how it was like to be in the camps, but i do know that i would have tried anything and everything to keep my family safe. I want to know what race the SS officers were. What causes them to feel this way about another person? What did the jewish people do to cause them to be put into the concentration camps? Why is it mostly jewish people that are being stripped from their families, homes basically everything they know to put them into these camps. It doesn’t make sense that it’s only the jewish people who are being ripped away from everything they know. Why does Hitler hate them so much? What made Hitler hate the jewish? I am going to try my hardest to answer all of these questions because they might not only be interesting to me. I wonder who thought of making the camps. Was the only reason to make the camps to hurt the jewish people? Did the people who came up with the camps or were involved in hurting those people get punishments? Like Hitler, did he get any consequences for hurting the jewish people for no reason? If he did, what were they? I also

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