
Reading Reflection Two: Understanding Diversity

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Reading Reflection Two: Understanding Diversity
Question Three When working with clients you will most likely experience instances when your own values will make the helping profession difficult. According to Corey and Corey (2007), there are three multicultural counseling practices that assist the helping profession. Your own embedded beliefs can possibly be the largest obstacle you will face. Being that the values you have from the society and culture in which you grew up in (Corey & Corey, 2007) can cause difficulty in understanding the embedded beliefs of clients from other societies and cultures than your own. For example, growing up in the Pacific Northwest, it was normal for the family unit to consist of one or two parents and …show more content…

My own culture, ¼ Tsimshian (Alaskan Native), and ¾ third generation, Danish-American residing in the continental United States my ethnicity and culture have been and will continue to be of the minority. I view being of the minority a strength as it has conditioned me to be an ethnographic (Corey & Corey, 2007) observer by nature. Throughout my lifespan other cultures and societies have been fascinating as I learn about myself and where I fit in the world. While my childhood was rather sheltered to that of a farming community that was dominantly Anglo-American, the community in which I grew up in never treated me any differently for being the minority. I spent my summers on Whidbey Island with my grandparents. Each day we would dig for clams, go crabbing, and fishing. The excess food would be packaged up and delivered to the Tulalip Indian Reservation. From a young age my family found the importance of assisting and helping communities and cultures other than our own. While never having lived on a reservation personally, I was exposed to the life that one experiences with an understanding of tradition through the Tulalip

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