
Reading Is Never Been Easy

Decent Essays

Reading has never been easy Reading is quite an important subject, and it is involved in my life every single day, but, throughout my education, I have realized that reading is definitely a subject that I do not enjoy. As a young child, I never really liked to read; therefore, I focused my attention on other things, and lately it has really affected me in a negative way. The more advanced my classes have been, the more my reading skills have really been affecting me. I not only struggle with being terrible at reading, but I also struggle with my attention span while I read. Reading has always been my least favorite and most difficult subject, and I fully believe the cause of my bitterness toward reading has come from the lack of help and support from my teachers. It is very difficult for me to enjoy reading when I am forced to read books or articles about things that do not spark my interest. This has always been one of the reasons of why I dread reading. This affected me most in my American Studies class last year. Ms. Gilly had my class read the novel Founding Brothers . This book, in my opinion, was one of the most boring books that I had ever read. I tried to read the book, but after a while, I just stopped reading it because I felt that it was a waste of my time. After I stopped reading the book, I failed multiple quizzes as well as an essay. I was not interested in the topics that I was forced to read about, and that is why I did so poorly. In my classes that involve

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